These motions were introduced Tuesday before the Parliament of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation and the Parliament of Wallonia. A similar initiative should follow shortly before the Brussels Parliament.
For the cdH, the tightening of the number of practitioners wanted by Minister Vandenbroucke is unacceptable, while the south of the country is facing a shortage of practitioners. The project also mortgages the guarantee for students currently in training to exercise at the end of their studies, according to the centrists.
If these motions are validated, they would then have the effect of freezing the adoption of the text in question for 60 days, a period to be used to find a concerted solution between the assemblies.
However, to be approved, these conflict of interest motions will need the support of a majority of elected officials.
The centrist initiative will therefore not fail to embarrass the PS, the MR and Ecolo.
Either they reject the centrist motion at the risk of sounding like bad defenders of francophone interests, or they approve it, putting the federal majority where they sit in difficulty.