Home » today » News » In what context was the photo of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron, hilarious, at the Elysée taken? – Liberation

In what context was the photo of Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Emmanuel Macron, hilarious, at the Elysée taken? – Liberation

Mélenchon presidential candidate 2022dossierUsed to illustrate several press articles in recent months, the photo showing Macron and Mélenchon chatting, all smiles, at the Elysee Palace was taken five years ago.

Question asked by Jeanne, on May 28,


You ask us about a photo on which Emmanuel Macron and Jean-Luc Mélenchon discuss, very smiling, in a living room of the Elysée Palace. For several weeks, the image, which contrasts with the political tension linked to the current electoral deadlines, has been used by various media to illustrate articles on the relations between the two men during the presidential and legislative elections. “What would be the powers of Jean-Luc Mélenchon or Marine Le Pen if Emmanuel Macron were to appoint one of them Prime Minister?”wonders France Info in Aprilwith the illustration of the photo of the two political leaders in the golden offices of the residence of the Head of State.

Same photo, sometimes from different angles, for the following items: “Legislative: Macron confused by Mélenchon”in point May 5, or “La Nupes puts the majority under pressure”in Challenges the same day. The cordiality of the image surprises some Internet users who comment: “Small arrangements between friends”, “When will the national unity government with Obono, Ruffin, Le Maire and Darmanin?” or “Mélenchon selling his soup to Macron”.

An illustration photo taken in 2017 at the Elysée

This is a photo taken five years ago, on November 21, 2017, by an Agence France Presse (AFP) photojournalist, Ludovic Marin. That day, Emmanuel Macron had invited the leader of La France Insoumise to the Elysée, as part of consultations with political leaders on the subject of the voting method for the 2019 European elections. After the interview, Jean -Luc Mélenchon, who can be seen very smiling in some of the photos taken on the occasion, had declared that the President “many faults but he has the quality of not running away from the debate”. “These were not the numbers we have known here in the near past” when “it was like talking to an eel”, added the LFI leader to the press. A scud fired at François Hollande, predecessor of the Elysée tenant, as reported by several articles written today, in Paris Match, Europe 1 or the JDD. “The surprise effect has faded”also reported Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who met with Emmanuel Macron his “fourth” President at the Elysée.

A total of 14 political leaders had been received by Emmanuel Macron in November 2017, including Gérard Larcher (LR) and François de Rugy (LREM), then Presidents of the Senate and of the National Assembly, Marine Le Pen (RN), François Bayrou (MoDem) or even Nicolas Dupont-Aignan (Debout la France). As for the reform of the voting method relating to the election of representatives to the European Parliament, it was voted on June 25, 2018. It restores a single electoral constituency throughout the territory, which had been replaced in favor of a divided into eight constituencies in 2004, 2009 and 2014. Voters thus voted in May 2019 for a single national list presented by the political parties.

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