The Record Fish Board has approved nine new Finnish records. The largest of the new record fish was caught in Vihti last December.

Arto Vihanto and the record carp. Art Vihanto
A total of nine new Finnish records were accepted into the Finnish record fish register at the September and February meetings of the Record Fish Board. The Finnish Federation of Fisheries informs about this in its press release.
The largest of the record fish is a carp weighing 22.2 kilograms, which was caught with a net from Hiidenvedi in Vihti last December.
According to the release Arto Vihannon and Arto Hyttinen the fish he caught was so big that there was no place to weigh it. In the end, the dog was taken to a local veterinary clinic to be weighed.
The Finnish record was also broken. In February 2023, a pike weighing 14.7 kilograms got caught in the net in a lake in Kantahämälä.
One new species also made it to the record fish list: thin-lipped mullet. A 0.666-kilogram representative of a fish species that typically thrives in the Atlantic ended up in the hands of a professional fisherman from Rauma last September.
The records for the touaime, the lathe, the teat and the eastern sawmill were also new.
A reason to be careful
Last year, the record fish board opened record sets based on the length of the fish alongside the weight records. According to the release, the new series was intended to make it possible for the fisherman to release the record fish back into the wild.
The first two fish species were approved for the new series. Last July, a 50-centimeter-long perch was trolled in Suomussalmi, and a fly was caught in Enontekijo by casting a 58-centimeter-long grayling.
The release points out that you have to be precise when measuring the record fish. The reading of a hand-held digital scale is not accepted in the register, but a potential record fish is recommended to be weighed in the presence of witnesses, for example at the Ruokakaupa service counter. The fisherman aiming for the length record, on the other hand, has to photograph the fish on top of the measure so that the whole fish is visible.
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