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In US, new “sexual abuse” complaint targets ex-Cardinal McCarrick

Across the Atlantic, “The McCarrick affair” is experiencing a new turnaround. On Tuesday, November 23, Michael Reading, a former priest of the Diocese of Newark (New Jersey), filed a lawsuit in state court against ousted Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. The latter had already been dismissed from the clerical state by Rome in 2019, in the wake of revelations about the many sexual and power abuses committed during his career in the Church.

→ THE FACTS. Sexual assault on a minor: former Cardinal McCarrick indicted

Now in his sixties, the complainant claims to have been the victim of touching on his part shortly before his ordination, in 1986, when Theodore McCarrick had just arrived at the head of the diocese of Newark. The facts would have occurred in the summer, in the coastal house of the bishop in New Jersey, where the latter was accustomed – to believe again the damning report published in November 2020 by the Vatican, after two years of ‘in-depth investigations into the life of the ex-cardinal – to have sexual relations with adolescents, young priests and seminarians. That day, on the sidelines of a barbecue and a swim, Theodore McCarrick would have slipped his hand for a long time under Michael Reading’s swimsuit, “Paralyzed”.

” No answer “

More than thirty years after the alleged facts, the filing of this complaint was made possible within the framework of a judicial period. “Special”, established for two years in the state of New Jersey, to allow victims of abuse to bring lawsuits beyond the statutory limitation periods. In the United States, Michael Reading’s allegations are not new. He had publicly testified to this in the press as early as 2019, shortly after Theodore McCarrick’s return to secularism, indicating in particular that this “Trauma” had presided over his decision to leave the priesthood in 1993. The ex-cardinal, aged 91, has always denied the facts.

→ UNDERSTAND. Who is the former American cardinal Theodore McCarrick, accused of sexual abuse?

In a statement filmed Tuesday, November 23, Michael Reading explained that several factors had prompted him to turn to justice today. “I really thought about the power of having a voice, andI felt that telling my story would be useful ”, he notably argued in front of the camera. Before indicating that the silence of the local Church, despite its requests, would have further reinforced its choice to bring the case to court.

However, this has gray areas, which the trial will have to clarify. Michael Reading claims in particular to have sent a letter, three years ago, to Cardinal Joseph Tobin, Archbishop of Newark since 2016, which would have remained a dead letter. “This is probably the most disappointing thing. I received no response from the Church ”, he blasted. Without wishing to comment at this stage on this accusation, the Diocese of Newark today reaffirms that it is “Fully engaged in protocols to protect the faithful, and work with former victims in an ongoing effort to shed light on past affairs”.

” Damage “

Accusing the local church of “Negligence”, Michael Reading is now claiming compensatory damages. In recent years, the Dioceses of Newark and Metuchen, in which Theodore McCarrick also cracked down when he was bishop from 1981 to 1986, have reached out-of-court settlements with two former priests, alleged victims, for a total amount of $ 180,000 (€ 160,000).

→ READ. McCarrick: the long list of reports dismissed by the Vatican

In a separate case, the former cardinal is also targeted by three charges “Child sexual abuse” dating back to the 1970s in the state of Massachusetts. Indicted in this context by American justice at the end of July, the nonagenarian had pleaded “not guilty” when he was indicted on September 3. He was able to leave free, in return for a deposit of 5,000 dollars (4,460 €), pending the continuation of the criminal proceedings, with a second preliminary hearing scheduled for December 21.

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