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In Ukraine, all regions are in the “green” zone – Ministry of Health

Coronavirus in Ukraine

The level of occupancy of beds with oxygen has not been exceeded in any region of the country. The occupancy rate as of July 3 is 8%.

All regions of Ukraine, as well as Kiev, have a “green” level of epidemic danger. In the country, the incidence rate is 21 per 100 thousand of the population with an indicator of 75 per 100 thousand, informs press service of the Ministry of Health.

It is noted that in Kiev this figure is slightly higher – 79 per 100 thousand of the population.

The Ministry of Health clarified that the level of hospitalization in Ukraine as of Saturday, July 3, was 7.5 per 100 thousand of the population, while the indicator is 60 per 100 thousand of the population.

The occupancy of beds with oxygen as of July 3 is 8%. In Kiev, the workload is 5.7%. The level of occupancy of beds with oxygen has not been exceeded in any region, the department added.

Meanwhile in Portugal the record number of cases since February COVID. In the next two weeks, the number of infected is predicted to increase due to the sharp spread of the Delta strain.

Let’s add that the world used more than 3 billion doses of COVID vaccines… The United Arab Emirates, Malta and the Seychelles are leading in the number of doses per 100 people.

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