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In Ukraine, 223 children have been killed and 410 injured since the start of the war

Since the beginning of the war Russia at least 223 children killed and 410 injured in various military attacks in Ukraine, said on Saturday Ukraine Prosecutor General’s Office.

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139 children killed or injured in Russian attacks on Donetsk region, Kiev region 116, Kharkiv region 98, Chernihiv Oblast 68, in the Kherson region – 46, in the Mykolaiv region 44, Luhansk area 37, Zaporizhia Oblast 27, Sumu area 17, in the city of Kiev 16 and in the Zhytomyr region 15.

Ukrainian authorities report that bombings and shootings have damaged 1635 educational establishments, 126 of which have been completely destroyed.

The Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine points out that these data are not final, as it is not possible to inspect the entire territory of the country, especially the temporarily occupied territories, as the shootings continue.

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