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In three steps | How has fertility and motherhood changed with the advancement of technology? | HOME-FAMILY

“Humans have a 7% success rate in natural pregnancies.” This is how categorical Dr. Marcelo Velit, a gynecologist specializing in fertility at the Inmater clinic, is when explaining how complicated it is to conceive. He explains that, on the other hand, intrauterine insemination has a success rate of 15% and in vitro fertilization 35%. Although he emphasizes that, for this reason, these techniques of assisted fertilization are important “there is no guarantee of pregnancy”.

The specialist makes clear the importance that the development of technology has had for the appearance of more and diverse techniques, and for improving their results. That is why we review in three steps what are the most important changes that have occurred in this field.

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1. There is a change in perception over time.

“It was previously believed that the fertility “A woman’s fertility rate dropped dramatically after age 35, and women had a limited reproductive window. Now, thanks to advances in medicine and technology, women have more options to control their fertility and can choose when and how they want to become mothers.”explains Dr. Marcelo Velit.

2. There are more options for those looking to postpone motherhood

Although delayed motherhood is not free of risks, Dr. Velit stresses that there are many other options to achieve this goal: cryopreservation (freezing) of eggs and embryos; in vitro fertilization (IVF); egg donation; opting for a sperm bank; adoption of embryos (frozen and donated by other couples). It should be remembered that the quality of eggs decreases with age.

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3. The development of technology has revolutionized everything

Women no longer feel pressured to become mothers at a young age. Technology has contributed to this change by offering options to preserve fertility and postpone motherhood. Independent motherhood has become more accessible. Technology has provided women with the tools to make informed decisions about their fertility and family planning“, emphasizes Dr. Velit.

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