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In this way, Brabant will ensure that water will still come out of the tap in 2040

The province is increasingly in difficulty due to the extreme drought. Short-term solutions, such as a ban on irrigation, don’t help enough. That is why a commission of inquiry has now investigated what will happen so that water can still come out of the tap in 2040, so that we can still enjoy nature and that agriculture and industry can continue to function. For example, water is likely to become more expensive for large users and sea water will be turned into drinking water.

The main recommendations of the committee:

  • We need to use less water.
  • Water must become more expensive for large users.
  • Brackish or sea water must be made drinkable.
  • We must prevent rainwater from being drained quickly through ditches and streams.
  • We are allowed to pump less groundwater and even pump water into the ground.

Because if we don’t do anything about groundwater management in Brabant, we’re going to get really into trouble in Brabant.

Years ago, we could not have imagined it would come to this. Brabant was one of the wettest provinces in our country. More than 40,000 kilometers of ditches and streams have been diligently dug to drain the water as quickly as possible. Groundwater was pumped by anyone who needed it.

The problem became painfully clear during the extremely dry summers of 2018, 2019 and 2020. Nature has taken a lot of damage. Crops dried up and fires broke out more and more.

Ultimately, problems could also arise with drinking water, the committee says. Because we will build more in the future, more potable water and even more water will be needed for agriculture and industry. Climate change adds another penny. After all, during dry summers the crops are irrigated more and more pools are filled.

What should be done?
To be more drought tolerant in 2040, groundwater levels need to be raised. Groundwater needs to be replenished every year with approximately 150 million cubic meters, 6000 full Olympic-sized swimming pools. It is also allowed to pump 100 million cubic meters less per year. This is only possible if we all start using much less water and, for example, purifying water for reuse in agriculture and industry.

Drinking water companies will also need to look beyond groundwater. Some underground wells must be closed if, for example, they have a strong drying effect on the soil.

It is therefore necessary to look at other purification techniques, such as making brackish or sea water drinkable. Furthermore, the committee wants to make water significantly more expensive for large users in order to force savings.

Director of drought
The approach will be different for the Brabant area. A very different approach is needed in the relatively dry Peel region than, for example, in Beekdalen. It is up to the province and to the water bodies themselves to draw up an action plan for each area.

The committee wants a drought director appointed, someone who can bring and keep the parties involved around the table without political interest.

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