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In this challenge, club members can save lives twice

The club blood donation challenge in Seeboden is entering its second round: Because this campaign brought in a significant increase in blood donors last year, the Upper Carinthian community decided to repeat it. All Seeboden clubs can take part: At the blood donation appointment on October 2nd in the cultural center in Seeboden, members will register which club they belong to. The club that was able to motivate the most donors will receive a first aid course from the Red Cross as a reward.

Anyone between the ages of 18 and 69 who is healthy and weighs at least 50 kilograms can donate blood. Before the donation, a questionnaire must be filled out, followed by a medical check. Body temperature, pulse and blood pressure are measured and a few drops of blood are taken from the fingertip for initial tests. Any questions can then be clarified in a short conversation with a Red Cross employee.

465 milliliters of blood from the arm vein

When donating blood, approximately 465 milliliters of blood are taken from the arm vein. This process takes around ten minutes. The blood is immediately subjected to safety tests, separated into its various components and processed into various blood products. It is then delivered to Austrian hospitals for patient care. After donating blood, the body needs rest and, above all, fluids, preferably water. Strenuous activities or sport are not recommended on the same day. More information about blood donation can be found on the Red Cross homepage.

All other blood donation dates in Bezirk Spittal and the Bezirk Hermagor.

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