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In these days of high humidity, a scientific way to get rid of mosquitoes! — Domestic News – People News

Recently, heat waves and heavy rains have appeared throughout the country, providing the most suitable natural conditions for the breeding of mosquitoes and insects, which have increased the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes and insects . So how can we scientifically prevent mosquitoes?

1. Home defense

(1) Strengthen the cleaning of sanitary blind spots, eliminate garbage in time, and clean drains in kitchens and bathrooms in a timely manner to prevent water from accumulating.

(2) Water for aquatic plants such as Rokro and Bugui bamboo at home must be changed weekly.

(3) Clean the water collected in the flower pot in good time, but at least once a week.

(4) Keep functional containers (for example, irrigation containers for flower cultivation, etc.) covered and change the water at least once a week.

(5) Containers such as abandoned or unused flower pots should be turned to prevent water from collecting and mosquitoes from breeding.

(6) Insect prevention facilities must be improved and insect screens, insect doors, etc. must be checked.

(7) Mosquitoes must be eliminated by physical means, such as installing mosquito nets and using mosquito repellent lamps and electric airplane swatters.

(8) When using mosquito repellent products such as liquid or aerosol mosquito incense, you need to know the correct method of use before killing mosquitoes.

2. Outdoor protection

(1) Containers such as flower pots must be turned. Remove discarded containers from the front and back of the house, and turn containers that are not in use for a while to prevent water from collecting and breeding mosquitoes.

(2) Frequently clean sanitary blind spots and eliminate waste in a timely manner. Remove trash and garbage from green areas and sanitary blind spots, but especially get rid of containers where water collects easily, such as plastic films, disposable dishes, and cups, in a timely manner.

(3) Water collected in drinking water or functional containers must be well managed. If water accumulates in the drinking water container or functional container, cover the lid and change the water once a week.

(4) The diamond must be coated. Diamonds should be stored neatly indoors or in a place where they can avoid rain, and if piled outside, they should be tightly covered with a tarp to prevent rain water from collecting.

(5) Various sewer pipes and wells: Water collected in water grates, sewer pipes, basement, drainage sediments and puddles must be removed in a timely manner.

3. Personal protection

When residents live or are active for a long time in an area with high mosquito density, they should wear long-sleeved clothes and long pants to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, which can cause a mosquito repellent reaction. engaged to reduce the risk of being bitten. with mosquitoes. When choosing a mosquito repellent, you should look carefully at the ingredients. You can choose a product with effective ingredients for mosquito repellent and apply it to the skin area according to the dosage and frequency in the product instructions.

Responds properly to mosquito bites

√ Do not scratch again after being bitten by a mosquito. Generally, the itchiness disappears significantly after 10 to 15 minutes.

√ To relieve itching, you can wash it with soapy water or saline solution and treat it with an external medicine such as a complex liver stone cleaner.

Special request

It is not recommended to use mosquito repellent products on babies under the age of 2 months, so physical protection measures must be taken.

2024-08-05 04:01:00

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