The faithful Catholics of Voisins-le-Bretonneux fill the three churches in the area which are too small to accommodate everyone. The diocese of Versailles has launched the construction of a new place which will see the light of day in 2 years.
In Voisins-le-Bretonneux, the churches are far from empty. It is even the opposite problem that arises for the ecclesiastical authorities: how to welcome everyone? In reflection for 15 years, they decided to launch the construction of a new place.
“The project includes this large church for 800-900 people but also around it, parish premises which will make it possible to accommodate groups, meetings, discussions and also a presbytery to accommodate priests”explains Mgr Luc Crépy, Bishop of Versailles.
This project, with a total cost of 10 million euros, is half financed by the diocese of Versailles (in particular by the sale of buildings belonging to the parish), and half by donations from the faithful.
“Today we have, for a population of 800 to 1,000 people who go to mass every weekend, three small churches, which requires us to hold six masses. We can never meet together. During major holidays, to Christmas or Easter, we often go to the gymnasium that the city lends us”says François Hugues Gauthier, project manager.
In terms of architecture, the church, baptized Saint-Joseph-le-Bienveillant, finds its origin in the Old Testament and in “the symbolism of the Tent of Meeting: God occupies the apse of concave shape turned towards the men who occupy the nave, of ovoid shape; the frame of the nave rises towards the apse like a canvas of tent”according to the project site.
As for the exterior of the church, it will be covered “of mosaics evoking the permanence of the mineral world throughout history”continues the document.
The first stone was laid this Sunday, January 16 and the whole will be built in an eco-district. The church should see the light of day within two years.