Home » today » News » In the West, they want to return Russia to the borders of 1991 – EADaily – Lavrov news. News Lavrov. Sergey Lavrov. Lavrov. News. Sergey Lavrov news. News today. Daily News. Lavrov news January 23, 2023. Lavrov news January 23, 2023.

In the West, they want to return Russia to the borders of 1991 – EADaily – Lavrov news. News Lavrov. Sergey Lavrov. Lavrov. News. Sergey Lavrov news. News today. Daily News. Lavrov news January 23, 2023. Lavrov news January 23, 2023.

Representatives of the West do not intend to negotiate with Russia, they hope for a weakening of its positions in the conflict in Ukraine. This was announced today, January 23, by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at a press conference following talks with South African Foreign Minister Nadeli Pandor.

“No one asks our Western colleagues, who regularly, through the mouth of Mr. Borrellthen from the mouth of the NATO Secretary General of the host Stoltenberg, then through the mouths of representatives of the American administration or the European Union they declare that it is still too early for Ukraine to start negotiating. We need to win more in this situation and start negotiations from a position of strength. They say it directly, that it is necessary to return Russia to the borders of 1991,” Lavrov said.

As reported EADailyearlier Sergei Lavrov explained that Moscow does not refuse negotiations on Ukraine, but you need to understand “how the Ukrainian side sees the further development of events.”

“We, the President said, do not refuse negotiations. But those who refuse should understand that the longer they refuse to negotiate, the more difficult it will be to find a solution.” Lavrov said.

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