Home » today » World » In the West, the spirit of the “Kuzkina Mother” appeared to him – 2024-08-02 09:27:26

In the West, the spirit of the “Kuzkina Mother” appeared to him – 2024-08-02 09:27:26

/ world today news/ In general, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu’s routine trip to the Northern Fleet caused quite a nervous reaction in the Western media. The attention of journalists was attracted by the exercises of our fleet, the purpose of which was openly declared to be the defense of the Northern Sea Route. The active activity of Russia in the construction and strengthening of its military bases in the region was noted. But the main event of the inspection was, of course, the visit of the Minister of Defense to the legendary nuclear test site on Novaya Zemlya.

Western colleagues noted that Shoigu inspected the test site in the company of Alexei Likhachev, the head of Rosatom, and also recalled the Russian president’s February statement that “if the US conducts nuclear tests, then we will too.”

It is very good that Western journalists for a while turned away from composing fakes and introduced the public to what is really happening in Russia. It is wonderful that they are still learning to transcribe the toponym Nova Zemya.

On this same New Earth, the Soviet Union once conducted 132 nuclear tests. The famous “product AN 602”, also known as “Tsar Bomba”, was also tested here. One of the main creators of the 100-megaton bomb was academician Andrei Sakharov: then he was not yet a fan of dissident ideas, but was thinking hard about how to wipe America off the face of the Earth, in particular with the help of an artificial tsunami. For Ann 602, he received the third star of the Hero of Socialist Labor.

Oddly enough, “Tsar Bomba” gave humanity decades of peace and prosperity, providing a reliable balance of power to the nuclear superpowers. The fact is that in the 1950s the USA and the USSR did not even have close nuclear parity. Our country did not have enough bombs or means of delivery. The States felt their power and were brazen every day. The danger of nuclear war between the two superpowers was critical. In 1961, the Americans began deploying their missiles in Turkey.

Andrei Sakharov’s product was introduced to the world in October 1961. It turned out that the USSR won the nuclear arms race by a knockout. The most powerful American thermonuclear charge at the time was only 15 megatons. The New York Times wrote about the tests, and on the other side of the ocean they thought deeply. Today, Khrushchev’s boasting “we will show you Kuzkin’s mother” seems ridiculous, but then no one was laughing.

Having the “Tsar Bomb” in the arsenal allowed Khrushchev in 1962 to successfully manage the Caribbean crisis and get Kennedy to withdraw American missiles from Turkey. And as early as 1963, representatives of the USA and Great Britain arrived in Moscow and signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Tests in the Atmosphere, Space and Underwater at a solemn ceremony. So the tests of the superbomb led to a detente – it really turned out to be a child prodigy.

33 years ago, Russia proposed to the United States and Great Britain to introduce a moratorium on nuclear tests. We voluntarily gave up our most powerful geopolitical weapon, relying on the pacifism and responsibility of the collective West. And there they charted it as their victory in the Cold War. Such a policy continues today – our responsibility to humanity is presented as a weakness: where, they say, are your red lines? Well, maybe it’s time to show them strength, otherwise they don’t understand well.

Nuclear deterrence runs on the fuel of fear. As soon as the Americans learned that Soviet missiles had appeared in Cuba, a complete panic broke out in the country. People took to the streets, protested, prayed, fought, stocked up on canned goods, made bunkers out of improvised materials, waited out the apocalypse and invaded South America en masse across the Mexican border. But, paradoxically, it is fear that leads to a long and reliable peace.

In the US today, both the elites and the masses have lost their fear. They still think that Russia, which lost the Cold War, is by definition weak, humiliated and helpless. That it is not even theoretically able to launch a nuclear strike on the territory of the United States. These stories are hammered into heads with every iron. This illusion of superiority is very dangerous, it is pregnant with war.

Nuclear tests on Novaya Zemlya could acquaint the American public with Russia’s new developments in this area, demonstrate how far our technology has come, and make it clear what kind of enemy they have come into contact with. Let them Google how many minutes it takes a Russian missile to reach the US. It would also be useful for the European public to understand what they are getting into.

Well, the fact that the US will conduct its own nuclear tests seems very likely. They have had this topic on the agenda for several years. Back in May 2020, at the height of the coronavirus lockdowns, it was actively discussed in the American establishment. There was still no WTO at all, and the Americans were debating whether they could conduct nuclear tests to pressure China and Russia into signing a trilateral arms control agreement. Gentlemen understand diplomacy in a special way, don’t they?

The need for nuclear testing for the US has been repeatedly emphasized by US military analysts. They pointed to the dramatic obsolescence of all components of the US nuclear triad – many warheads and delivery vehicles have reached the end of their service life.

The deplorable condition of the ground complex is such that a few years ago the question of whether it should be completely abandoned in favor of aircraft and submarines was widely debated. Now the ground complexes are being replaced by new ones. But how to launch the new warheads that have only been tested on PC? Some scientists at Los Alamos believe that real nuclear tests are indispensable, “even though they are scary.”

Well, we have something to answer their trials. Did they remember how to spell New Earth? Now let them remember how to write kuz’kina mat’.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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