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in the USA talked about the leverage on Putin – UNIAN

The Biden administration is holding intense discussions with Germany on Nord Stream 2 in the context of a potential Russian invasion.

Putin may abandon plans to invade Ukraine in exchange for launching PP-2, Sullivan said / photo REUTERS

The United States of America suggested that Russian President Vladimir Putin could abandon plans for a potential invasion of Ukraine in exchange for a full launch of the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2.

As the UNIAN correspondent reports, the adviser to the President of the United States on national security issues Jake Sullivan said on briefing in Washington DC.

He noted that Russian gas has not yet been supplied through the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

“This means that the pipeline is not working. This means that it is not leverage for Putin. In fact, it is leverage for the West, because if Vladimir Putin wants to see that gas will pass through this pipeline, he may not want to go to the risk of an invasion of Ukraine, “Sullivan said.

Read alsoThe US cannot say if Putin finally decided to attack UkraineAlso, the national security adviser said that the United States maintains intensive discussions with both members of the German government, who are terminating their powers, and representatives of the future German government on Nord Stream 2 in the context of a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“I will not characterize outside of that box,” Sullivan said.

Nord Stream 2

As UNIAN reported earlier, according to IMF forecasts, the launch of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline could reduce Ukraine’s gas transit revenues by 40%, to $ 1.2 billion per year until 2024, while the current contract with Gazprom is in effect. for transit.

Ukraine wants to extend the gas transit contract with Gazprom for 15 years.

Yuriy Vitrenko, chairman of the board of Naftogaz Ukrainy, believes that Russia is deliberately reducing the volume of gas transit through Ukraine in order to blackmail Europe and force it to certify Nord Stream 2 as soon as possible.

The Nord Stream 2 project provides for the construction and operation of two pipelines with a total capacity of 55 billion cubic meters of gas per year from the Russian coast through the Baltic Sea to Germany. The gas pipeline bypasses Ukraine.


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