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In the US, the third radio journalist antivaxist died within a month from Covid-19

Florida conservative radio journalist Mark Burner has died in the United States from Covid-19, and he is the third prominent radio journalist in the antivax camp to die from Covid-19 in a month.

Burner passed away on Saturday, his radio station said. He was 65 years old.

“With deep sadness, WNDB radio and Southern Stone Communications are announcing the departure of Mark Burner, who has been informing and entertaining WNDB listeners for 30 years,” WNDB said.

Burnier, who called himself Mr. Antivax, fell ill three weeks ago.

The journalist used to say that the US government was “behaving like the Nazis” by insisting that the population be vaccinated.

Among conservative U.S. radio journalists actively advocating for vaccination, Burnier is the third to die from Covid-19 in a month.

Phil Valentine, a 61-year-old conservative Tennessee radio journalist who died for Covid-19 vaccines, died on August 21, but changed his tone when he became ill with Covid-19.

He struggled with the disease for a month.

Former Newsmax commentator and right-wing radio journalist Dick Farrell, who was known as a coronavirus denier and an opponent of vaccination, passed away on August 6.-

A South Florida journalist passed away at the age of 65 as a result of health problems caused by Covid-19.

In his broadcasts, he urged listeners not to be vaccinated and called the whole coronavirus crisis a “fraud epidemic”.

When they themselves became ill, Farrell and Valentine encouraged friends and supporters to be vaccinated and regretted not being vaccinated.

Speaking to a studio guest a week after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for emergency use in December, Bairier was categorically against it, although it is not known what he thought at the end of his life.

“Are you kidding? Mr. Antivaks? That’s right, “said Bonnier, when asked if he would be vaccinated. “I’m not going to vaccinate with it.”

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