Part of the American edition has mourned its exceptional year 2021, and ends 2022 on a declining balance sheet. Year-to-date revenue reached $12.6 billion, down 6.4% compared to that of the previous year.
Be careful, however: with $29.33 billion for the US publishing as a whole in 2021, the calculation seems somewhat inconsistent. This is explained by a delay in the collection of data from part of the school publishing sector, and the disappearance of a whole section, not insignificant, of the industry in the total. Furthermore, this balance sheet only includes the figures AAP membersnot the industry as a whole.
The general report for 2022, released later in the year, will only say, firstnothing else.
Revenue from books for the general public is down 6.2%to reach $9.1 billion, with a significant drop for hardbacks (-13.9%), to the benefit of paperbacksup 1.1%.
The digital book is no exception to the trend, with a turnover decreased by 6.6%, to $1 billion. Digital audio, following a trajectory established a few years ago, gagne 7 %to establish its turnover at $839.5 million.
In 2022, religious publishing will decline (-6.1%), like higher education (-7.5%) and professional publications (-5.5%).
Photography: illustration, ActuaLitté, CC BY SA 2.0