Home » today » World » In the United States, a two-year-old girl became a member of the club for people with the highest IQs in the world. She is now learning Spanish

In the United States, a two-year-old girl became a member of the club for people with the highest IQs in the world. She is now learning Spanish

IQ test Quest showed 146 points, while in the US the average is 100. Keshi’s mother Sukhit Atwal noted her daughter’s excellent memory. At about 17-18 months, she knew the entire alphabet, numbers, colors and shapes.

The quest can tell the names of all 50 US states, distinguish them by their shape and location on the map. Now she is studying Spanish, knows more than 50 signs in sign language, can count to 100, can identify the elements of the periodic table by symbols and is learning to read.

The girl has always shown a tendency to explore her surroundings and ask the “why” question. If Quest doesn’t know something, she wants to know what it is and how it works, commented CNN her father is Devon Quest.


The other youngest member of Mensa was the 29-month-old Briton Adam Kirby, his IQ test showed 141 points, the newspaper wrote. Mirror… Kirby potty trained himself after reading a book on the subject when he was a year old. He knew the multiplication table and the planets of the solar system.

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