Home » today » World » In the United States, a plane crashed in a residential area: 12 houses were damaged, there are deaths

In the United States, a plane crashed in a residential area: 12 houses were damaged, there are deaths

On Monday, October 11, in the suburbs of San Diego, California (USA), a twin-engine Cessna C340 plane crashed. The accident happened in a residential area.

The plane crashed into a truck, and then into two nearby houses, which instantly collapsed, reports Daily Mail… In total, about 12 buildings were damaged as a result of the crash, reports CBS8 (to see the photo, scroll to the end of the page).

According to the authorities, two people died. This is a truck driver and an airplane pilot – local cardiologist Sugate Das. It is known that he lived in San Diego and worked in Yuma, so he often flew between them. At least two more people were seriously injured and were taken to hospital.

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The incident happened in California.

A total of 12 houses were damaged.

It is noted that the plane crashed while landing two to three blocks from the high school. Air traffic controllers could be heard begging the plane to gain altitude a few moments before the crash. The cause of the incident is still unknown, it will be established by law enforcement officers.

The plane crashed in a residential area.

The truck and buildings caught fire.

As reported OBOZREVATEL earlier, in the Republic of Tatarstan (RF) plane L-410 crashed… On board there were 22 people – parachutists and two crew members. The plane crash killed 16 people, six injured were hospitalized.

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