Home » today » Business » In the third quarter, DelfinGroup achieves the largest amount of issued loans in the company’s history / Day

In the third quarter, DelfinGroup achieves the largest amount of issued loans in the company’s history / Day

Among other things, the total net loan portfolio reached an all-time high of EUR 35.8 million at the end of the third quarter, which is 32% more than at the end of the third quarter of 2020. This information is compatible with DelfinGroup The business description provided in the IPO prospectus and the company’s business objectives.

DelfinGroup Didzis Ādmīdiņš, Chairman of the Board: “The company continues to grow steadily and successfully fulfills all the goals set in long-term plans to reach a loan portfolio of 51 million euros by the end of 2022 and exceed the loan portfolio of 70 million euros by the end of 2024. We have successfully diversified risks. COVID-19 In the last six months, the company’s total net loan portfolio has grown by about one million euros per month, compared to 29.7 million euros at the end of the first quarter, but has now reached almost 36 million euros. The assumed growth rate of the loan portfolio will allow us to safely achieve the planned profit before taxes in 2022 in the amount of 8.7 million euros. “

It is significant that the quality indicators of the consumer loan portfolio have also improved particularly rapidly this year. The share of so-called bad loans, which are overdue for more than 90 days, has fallen to 3.6% of the total loan portfolio, which is also the best result in the company’s history. “At the same time, we are automating and digitizing existing services as well as introducing new ones. Among other things, we have developed a new Banknote an application that provides customers with a convenient overview of all payments and services offered. It is on digital channels that we are currently seeing the fastest increase in customer traffic. Also worth mentioning is our online second-hand store, which promotes the circular economy. It also helps that we have decided to become a public company and be listed on the Nasdaq Riga Baltic Main List. DelfinGroup Recognition and people ‘s interest in our company has significantly increased, “says Ādmīdiņš.

Subscribe to DelfinGroup shares was launched on September 28 and will end on October 11 (inclusive). The price of one share is 1.52 euros and the maximum subscription amount is not limited. The IPO prospectus is available Homepage.

To subscribe for shares, investors must apply to their bank. Shares in the Baltic States can be subscribed for on stock exchanges Nasdaq Riga through members: LHV Bank, Swedbank, SEB, Luminor Bank, Citadele, Rietumu Banka, BlueOrange, Signet Bank, Siauliu Bankas, Sandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Nordea Bank and other members. The full list of members is available on the Nasdaq Riga stock exchange Homepage.

A/s DelfinGroup It is planned to issue up to 8,395,000 shares within the framework of the initial public offering (IPO). The total planned number of shares of the company after the IPO is expected to be 48,395,000.

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