Home » today » World » In the Swedish suburb, the clans rule. When about 100 men attacked each other, the neighbors feared war.

In the Swedish suburb, the clans rule. When about 100 men attacked each other, the neighbors feared war.

The murder happened in the middle of the day, with the police nearby. Then the rumors and the fear spread. Even football training for children was canceled.


Tomas Gustafson in the football club Angered Alliance believes that Sweden must open its eyes to how bad it is in suburbs like Angered. After an open street murder two weeks ago, they canceled football training for children for a week. Photo: Anders Deros, Aftonbladet / NTB

Sweden stands out in Europe. Shooting by criminal gangs has increased dramatically. Nevertheless, the murder that took place in Hjällbo in Gothenburg two weeks ago attracted attention.

It probably actually started two days before. Videos show how up to a hundred men run around Hjällbo square and start fighting on a Friday night.

The article continues after the video

Some claim that the mass fight was triggered by the fact that a 14-year-old from one of the district’s families had stolen a moped. Then there must have been trouble. People from another family must have been called. Was it a matter of honor? Various versions are pending, and the police can not confirm that this was the cause of the riots.

But extra police were sent to the district. One and a half days later, at 13.30 on Sunday, a 44-year-old man was shot in the back of the head and killed outside the grocery store he worked in. Three others received minor gunshot wounds.

A 21-year-old suspect in the shooting was overpowered when he tried to escape on a bicycle.

Frightened witnesses stood on the balconies above the square.

“They’re killing the boy,” shouted a woman from a balcony right at the scene.

In a video Aftenposten has gained access to, you hear that the daughter asks her to be quiet. They’re scared. Police then fired a warning shot to prevent people from injuring the suspected perpetrator.

What happened created fear throughout the area.

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