Home » today » Entertainment » In the summer of 2018, President Iohannis asked me to resign as DNA chief. I refused. My role is not to help presidents overcome sensitive moments in which they have to explain their decisions

In the summer of 2018, President Iohannis asked me to resign as DNA chief. I refused. My role is not to help presidents overcome sensitive moments in which they have to explain their decisions

The head of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, Laura Codruța Kovesi, said in an interview for G4Media.ro that President Klaus Iohannis had asked her to resign from the head of DNA in the summer of 2018, before signing the revocation decree from office, forced by a decision of the Constitutional Court, but says he refused to resign.

“My role is not to help presidents get through delicate moments when they have to explain their decisions,” Kovesi explained his refusal to step down, saying he had no reason to leave office. Kovesi also said that he expected at the end of his term for someone to thank him for what he did, not ask him to resign.

On Tuesday and Wednesday, the head of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office was on a mission to Romania, where he met several ministers of the Ciucă government and representatives of the prosecutor’s office.

  • Stay on G4Media.ro for the full interview with the head of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, Laura Codruța Kovesi: what happened to the file in which the Special Section was investigated, what it says about the BMW business, the vaccine file and a possible presidential candidacy in the 2024?

Image and editing: Ovidiu Micsik / Octav Ganea / Inquam Photos

Below is a fragment of the interview given to G4Media.ro by the head of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, Laura Codruța Kovesi:

DT: Another little curiosity. Is it true that President Iohannis will ask for his resignation in the summer of 2018 before signing the recall decree?
Laura Codruța Kovesi: Yes, it is something we have not made public. It was an argument between us. I didn’t think I had to go public with this. He asked me to resign. I refused.

DT: Why?
Laura Codruța Kovesi: Because we have no reason to resign. My role is not to help presidents overcome sensitive moments in which they have to explain their decisions. I have not found myself guilty of anything. I was waiting …. at the end of my mandate, in case of revocation, someone would at least thank me for what I did, they would not ask me to resign.

DT: Were you disappointed that you asked for a resignation then?
Laura Codruța Kovesi: Now now.

DT: How did you get it?
LCK: I didn’t take it in any way. I knew it was that Constitutional Court decision. I knew he had to sign the revocation decree. I expected them to say ok, thanks for what you did to DNA, good, bad it doesn’t matter. I thanked everyone who has been before me and my colleagues for their work. I was asked to resign. I said no, what do I say in the morning when I look in the mirror? I want my conscience to be at peace, to be calm. And this is all.

DT: Good. DNA, which you have been managing for several years, recently marked 20 years since its foundation. Seen from Luxembourg, what would you say about DNA activity today?

Laura Codruța Kovesi: I cannot be detached, I have been working there for 5 years. It has been a very difficult 5 years with colleagues who have taken many risks. You remember that for a long time we were all harassed, humiliated, attacked, made in every way, just because we dared to do our job. I’m not saying we were perfect, I’m not saying we were perfect, I’m not saying the files were perfect.

Perhaps there have been colleagues who have made mistakes, perhaps there have been cases in which there was not one hundred percent perfection, but we tried, we tried to prove that the law is the same for everyone. We had courage, we did what we had to do. So, for me, DNA remains an institution that will be in my soul and I cannot break away. And now they are the same people in the DNA. If I had to comment, I’d say: don’t leave them alone. Like this, for a long time, at least until the European Public Prosecutor’s Office came into operation, they were alone.

Rep: By whom, who shouldn’t leave them?

Laura Codruța Kovesi: By all other state authorities. The only one that supported them was still public opinion, they probably did not reach the results at the expectation level of the company, but I see that they try, I see that they work.

They are the same people who have courage and now they are not alone. I am with the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and we work together. And we have files where we work side by side and I am convinced that the results will come. So if I had to say anything about DNA I would say: don’t give up and go ahead and be brave.

It is difficult, it is difficult to take responsibility, but you have an institution behind you, you are protected by the law, you are independent and now you also have a European institution that has to set standards and helps you. So, somehow find their courage and keep working, because I’m sure they will. (Interview transcribed with the help of Vatis technology)


On 9 July 2018, President Klaus Iohannis fired Laura Codruța Kovesi from the head of DNA. The announcement was not made by the president, but by the presidential administration’s spokesperson, Mădălina Dobrovolschi, who said that “in execution of the CCR’s decision, President Iohannis today signed the decree revoking Ms. Kovesi from the post of prosecutor. head of DNA “.

The CCR’s decision came after President Klaus Iohannis’ refusal to remove Kovesi from DNA leadership. The request for revocation was presented by the former Minister of Justice, Tudorel Toader, during the Dăncilă government (PSD). Subsequently, the CCR resolved the conflict between the presidency and the government, forcing the head of state to dismiss the head of DNA.

In May 2020, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) won Laura Codruța Kovesi’s case after it was overturned following the CCR’s decision.

The ECtHR ruled that the right of the former head of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate to go to court to defend himself, a right guaranteed by Article 6 § 1 of the Convention, was violated.

At the same time, the European court ruled in favor of Laura Codruța Kovesi on the right to free expression of opinions, starting with the accusation of the former Minister of Justice. Tudorel Toader noted in the report that was behind the revocation that the former DNA chief violated his duties by making statements to the international press.

The European Court ruled that the former head of DNA has expressed his point of view on the changes to the laws on justice within the limits of freedom of expression and that he has publicly transmitted his point of view on the reforms, as head of the Anti-corruption institute. The ECtHR argues that this in no way violated the provisions of the law but, on the contrary, was part of his right to freedom of expression.

The ECtHR concluded that this removal of Laura Codruța Kovesi from DNA leadership thwarted the goal of maintaining the independence of the judiciary and had consequences for other prosecutors and judges who participated in the public debates on legislative reforms.

Laura Codruța Kovesi was voted by the European Parliament on 31 October 2019 as head of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office.

  • Stay on G4Media.ro for the full interview with the head of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, Laura Codruța Kovesi: what happened to the file in which the Special Section was investigated, what it says about the BMW business, the vaccine file and a possible presidential candidacy in the 2024?

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