In the study of development trends in mathematics and science education “TIMSS 2019” in mathematics, Latvia ranks in the top ten among mathematics and natural sciences among 58 countries, reports TV3 news.
An international study on the quality of education has clarified the level of knowledge of Latvian primary school students in natural sciences and mathematics. The results this time are quite encouraging. Among the 58 countries that participated in the study, Latvia is ranked 10th in mathematics and 7th in science. Previously, Latvia participated in the TIMSS study 13 years ago and during this time the results in mathematics have improved, while in science they have remained unchanged.
“Since 2007, our achievements in mathematics have increased by 10 points. And, even more surprisingly, we have beaten the Finns. As our students are able to do more things in the fourth grade, they are more able to show their knowledge skills than in Finland. Well, both Finns are ahead of us in natural sciences, ”admitted Linda Mihno, the head of the TIMSS 2019 study in Latvia.
158 schools from all over Latvia participated in the study, more than 4,000 students and their parents were interviewed. Researchers have noticed another encouraging trend.
“The gap between the results in the capital and in the countryside is narrowing. It still exists and there are better results in the capital, but there is a positive tendency that its difference is decreasing, ”said Jānis Volberts, State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science.
The study also found that in Latvia, 4th grade students in natural sciences are best able to demonstrate themselves in physics and chemistry, but much weaker in biology and earth sciences. In turn, mathematics is very proficient in computing and geometry. The performance in reading and interpreting data is slightly lower.
“Our students are very convincing in those tasks where they have to justify something. And as a researcher, I am worried that in the ninth grade, if we look at the “PISA” research, these skills are much lower there, ”drew attention to Linda Mihno, the head of TIMSS 2019 in Latvia.
Researchers are currently unable to provide a clear answer, where the problem arises in the senior classes that their students’ results are much more modest.
“The reason why the dislike may be so great is that the teenager is more resistant to something than the little child.” Afterwards, peers may play a bigger role later. But that’s my opinion, because no study is researching this middle ground, where its problems arise, “said Mihno.
The Minister of Education and Science Ilga Šuplinska also pointed out that it is necessary to understand why at one point students are able to work well, but after a while this development stops. Researchers at home should work on solving this puzzle.
Experts were surprised that 41% of students said that they did not like mathematics, but their achievements were relatively high. Meanwhile, 14% of students do not like science.
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