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In the short term, domestic corn market price will continue to be strong supported by stiff downstream demand Corn Market_Sina Finance_Sina.com

Source: www.jintou.com

According to SunSirs monitoring, in November, domesticCornThe price continued to rise to a high level: the average price of third-grade yellow corn was 2,802.86 yuan/ton on November 1, and 2,870.00 yuan/ton on November 31, an increase of 2, 40% in the month.

In November, the cost of imported corn continued to be high, coupled with the upsurge of the epidemic in many places and the impact of rains in some areas, the domestic market trade volume of corn decreased, and the difficulty of transportation and transportation costs have increased to varying degrees. The overall price is low. In order to stimulate the arrival of goods, companies have slightly increased the purchase price of corn, which has pushed the high overall price of the domestic corn market to strengthen slightly.

Also, as the cost of planting corn increases year-on-year, farmers who store grain are reluctant to sell and raise prices, which slows down the overall progress of listing corn in growing areas. downstream has not declined. Under the support of costs and demand, the domestic market price of corn continues to run at a high level.

home in NovembereggThe price rose and fell, decreasing by 7.70% within the month. In November, the market price of domestic pigs continued to decline slightly and decreased by 13.97% from the peak of the month. The livestock industry has declined, overall, the livestock profit is still considerable and farmers are replenishing their stocks. The enthusiasm remains unchanged and the demand for corn feed in the market outlook remains unchanged.

Li Wenxu, a corn products analyst at SunSirs, believes that the domestic market price of corn will continue to be stable in the short term with support from tight downstream demand. The average domestic market price of corn is expected to December will exceed 2,900 yuan/ton. As imported corn from Brazil arrives in Hong Kong to supplement supply in the domestic market in the next phase and farmers in growing areas focus on selling corn ahead of the Spring Festival, the overall corn market supply will continue to increase, and the periodic reduction in the supply of corn will effectively ease. The overall price of the domestic corn market in the future After the upward trend stabilizes, go ahead with mild shocks.

(Article source: SunSir)

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