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In the past, his face was insulted like a broken road, this guy’s transformation made his eyes stinging

This Guy’s Face Transformation Makes You Stunned. (mStar)

This guy managed to change his appearance surprisingly in just one year.

BeritaHits.id – The story of a boy who became a victim of bullying by his friends has gone viral. This is after her eye-catching transformation stunned in just one year.

Adapted from mStar, this guy named Muhammad Mustakim Abdul Mohd Zaki who comes from Malaysia. He had vented on Twitter that he had become a victim of bullying due to his face.

His friends often insulted his face by calling it like a broken road. This insult made the boy, who is often called Akim, feel very sad.

Akim admitted that he had a hard time because his face was insulted. He could only hope that his friends would stop hurting his feelings.

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“In the past, friends used to scold behind your back, your face was like a crushed road, your body was like a barrel. Today I hope you can stop hurting other people’s hearts. Struggle is real,” said Akim as quoted by BeritaHits.Id from mStar on Wednesday (21/7/2021).

This 20-year-old boy admitted that his face was indeed damaged by acne. He explained that this number of pimples began to appear about a year ago.

Transformation Face This Guy Is Stunned. (mStar)

However, Akim denied that the acne on his face was caused by using the wrong treatment products. According to him, his pimples appeared due to hormonal problems.

Apart from having acne problems, Akim also has problems with his weight. He admitted that his body was fuller when his friends insulted him.

“Not only acne, but my body was also quite full at that time with a weight of 76 kilograms,” said Akim.

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However, Akim did not think that his physical condition would make him the target of bullying. He was even disappointed that his close friends joined in discussing his physique with other people.

The boy who was born in Bukit Martajam, Pulau Pinang insists that he is not angry when someone criticizes him and is honest with him. However, he was disappointed when criticisms of him were thrown backwards and harshly.

“I don’t have a problem accepting criticism if he is honest. But do it honestly. That way is better,” said Akim.

“When it is said to other people using bad words, I can’t accept it and feel very sad,” he continued.

Not down, Akim actually got up and tried to implement a healthy lifestyle. He made a transformation during the pandemic in Malaysia.

This transformation has been done since the Government of Malaysia implemented the Movement Control Order (PKP) in the region where he lives. However, he insisted the change was not due to his friend’s words.

Akim admitted that he wanted to change his appearance to be more confident. This is done by diligently exercising and adopting a healthy diet.

“I adopt a healthy lifestyle by doing light exercise at home. I also maintain a diet, such as reducing sugar and rice consumption,” explained Akim.

This method made Akim successful in losing weight up to 10 kilograms, from 73 kg to 63 kg. She also managed to reduce her acne thanks to the use of facial care products.

This Guy's Face Transformation Makes You Stunned.  (mStar)
This Guy’s Face Transformation Makes You Stunned. (mStar)

His appearance immediately made pangling and shocked the people around him. Akim is more confident with himself now.

Wisely, Akim even maintains good relations with friends who have insulted him. He admitted that he wanted to take the positive side of the incident that allowed him to live a healthier life.

“We are not friends, but not as close as before. I am now more careful in friendship. Let us reduce the circle of friends as long as it doesn’t hurt the heart,” said Akim

“A small circle of friends gives us more support. Every criticism that comes we take it positively for changes for the better for ourselves, not for others,” he concluded.

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