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“In the passport of …”: Jean-Michel Dufaux wants to make us dream

In 30 years of working in television, Jean-Michel Dufaux has rarely been as proud and at ease in a program concept as he is in the novelty he is about to present to us, In the passport of …, which will take off next month at Évasion. Its primary objective? Make us dream …

“On the mornings of the shoot, I would go and meet people to talk about travel,” Jean-Michel Dufaux spontaneously recounts. There was no stress at all of doing a TV show or the fear of forgetting my lyrics. There was just an exchange. So I felt completely out of place. ”


Jean-Michel Dufaux’s reputation as a globetrotter is well established. The host has explored the four corners of Europe, North America and several countries in Asia, but there are still large swathes of South America and Africa to visit.

At the helm of In the passport of …, he shares his passion with personalities, who tell him about three remarkable journeys made somewhere on the planet, in memories, anecdotes and visual treasures.


Jean-Michel Dufaux


Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

“There are so many people who travel, and we see the reflection on social networks, but I found that on TV, we took less time to talk about it, summarizes Jean-Michel. We have a nice lineup of intergenerational guests. Ludivine Reding went to Peru and Vietnam when she was very young, with her backpack, with a friend. She managed on the spot. It is a fine example of overcoming fear. Dave Morissette tells us about a house he rented in Tuscany with his family. Martin Juneau went to Russia. Antoine Vézina and Tammy Verge went to Ethiopia, because one of Antoine’s brothers works as a diplomat there. Isabelle Racicot talked about Haiti; it was interesting, in terms of identity, with his Haitian origins. Valérie Chevalier spoke to us about Budapest and Paris, which she knows really well. We are in very varied destinations … “


Jean-Michel Dufaux insists: In the passport of … is not a “chair show”. It is certainly in a pretty loft in Old Montreal that he welcomed his guests, but the words of the discussions will be covered with many images, photos or videos, taken from the personal collection of the guests or that of Jean-Michel.

“As Yvon Deschamps says: we don’t want to know it, we want to see it,” laughs the latter.

In the last block of each episode, Jean-Michel Dufaux details some essential suggestions to frequent in a specific country (to see, to do, to taste, etc.).

“Artists talk about things they don’t usually talk about. We discover them through their travels. How did they travel? What did they like? Where did they stay, how did they get around? The way people travel says a lot about them. Are they adventurous or do they prepare everything in advance? Are they curious or do they prefer to return to places that make them safe? I often say: “Tell me where you are going, I will tell you who you are,” “says Jean-Michel Dufaux, who also wanted to breathe a relaxed atmosphere into his set.

“I wanted it to be filmed like someone’s home, where you are relaxed, without paying too much attention to the camera …”

In the passport of …, Wednesday, at 7:30 p.m., starting August 18, at Évasion.

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