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In the northern districts, “we are going to renovate the swimming pools”, proclaims Samia Ghali

From this Monday, Jean Castex will be traveling to Marseille, as part of the implementation of Emmanuel Macron’s plan for the second city in France, in particular concerning the renovation of the many cities that include the city. What projects will be initiated? Where and how ? The deputy mayor in charge of these issues, Samia Ghali, details her roadmap for 20 Minutes.

The Prime Minister is coming to Marseille early next week, as part of Emmanuel Macron’s plan for the Marseille city. What will he announce in terms of urban renewal?

The Prime Minister will sign two agreements on Tuesday concerning the cities of Air-Bel and Grand Saint-Barthélémy. In Air-Bel, this overlaps, for example, with the social center, two schools that we want to link to each other, the sports area and the third place, which is a place with a cultural vocation. It will be a place dedicated to all of Marseille, and not just for the people of Air-Bel. We will try to set up places not far from the city, to bring something else, and to ensure that we do not go to Air-Bel only because we have someone to go and see. So far, we only go there if we live there.

For fifteen years, the fourteen projects undertaken in Marseille as part of urban renewal have not made much progress, and the inhabitants of the northern districts are growing impatient. What commitments do you make in terms of the timetable for these upcoming projects?

For me, Air-Bel will not come before the Busserine, or the Castellane. There is no hierarchy of territories. It’s all at the same time. This means that, for the school at Air-Bel, we have come to an agreement and the markets will be launched at the start of the year. In addition, I am committed to giving by mid-January, on the occasion of the national engagement committee, a roadmap for La Savine, la Castellane and la Bricarde, Kallisté and Solidarity, Frais-Vallon and La Rose. . On this occasion, we will make proposals to the National Urban Renewal Agency (Anru) in terms of equipment and reconstitution of the housing supply in these districts. And the goal is to have the money. We will tell them: “It costs so much. You give us so much. In March, we have a second engagement committee, which will focus on projects concerning the renovation of the large city center, Cabucelle-Les Crottes, Félix-Pyat and Campagne-Lévêque.

What commitments have you obtained from the State for the construction and renovation of swimming pools via Anru, which are sorely lacking in Marseille?

For the Frais-Vallon swimming pool, we talked about it and it was budgeted. Be careful, we do not destroy it and we rebuild it! We rehabilitate it, we restructure it. It will be completely renovated. I also got the State to support the renovation of the North swimming pool. I am for making a big sports complex there. Is it necessary with housing or offices? I can’t tell you right now, but I want us to have something very ambitious. Things are moving forward. We will present the studies to make it as pleasant as possible. The goal is not to build swimming pools, but to make sure that the existing ones are open and that they work well.

A recent article from World explains that the workers in charge of the renovation of the city stopped the site for nearly a month and a half, caught in the middle of settling scores. How to guarantee the safety of these urban renewal projects which will multiply in the northern districts?

But that is the job of the police headquarters. It’s not my job. Of course we think about it. The question of the insertion clause must already be implemented. I discovered that at La Busserine, it was not done. So I’m very angry about that and I shouted out. I’m not saying everything is perfect. Everyone has to make an effort. It is not compliance with this clause that will settle everything. If it is necessary to put police officers behind to protect the sites, well, it must be done. Nothing should be forbidden.

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