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In the midst of an emergency, a pilgrimage to a bar… Ruling party lawmakers


In Japan, when an emergency was declared, it was discovered that members of the ruling party had been drinking until late at night. Still, it is a matter of fact for the Suga regime, which has become less popular. In a poll asking the next prime minister, Suga’s approval rating was lower than that of former Prime Minister Abe.

Correspondent Yoon Seol-young reports.


It was on the 18th of last month that a member of the Liberal Democratic Party’s lawmaker Jun Matsumoto was caught coming out of a bar in Ginza.

Due to an emergency declaration, the business was restricted at 8 p.m. Congressman Matsumoto visited three restaurants and bars until 11 p.m.

Even the appearance of leaving the store without wearing a mask was published in the weekly magazine.

[마쓰모토 준/일본 자민당 의원 (지난 1월 29일) : 국민 여러분이 인내를 강요당하고 있는 가운데… 제 자신의 행동은 대단히 경솔했다고 깊이 반성하고 있습니다.]

In addition, he even confessed that there were two more ruling party lawmakers present.

Another legislator also resigned as a member of the legislator when it was discovered that she went to a Ginza bar.

There are already five ruling party lawmakers who aroused controversy over a late-night dinner during the emergency declaration period.

Prime Minister Suga’s leadership did not work at all even within the regime.

In a poll released today (1st), Prime Minister Suga has a lower preference than former Prime Minister Abe.

It is an analysis that even in the recent elections for local governments, the Liberal Democratic Party’s candidates drank a red light in the regime.

(Video Design: Hongbitnuri)

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