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In the Kharkiv region, a girl driving a car flew into a gas station

Photo: t.me/ctokharkov

An accident occurred in the village of Pechenegi, Kharkiv region

A car passenger was injured in a car accident. With injuries, he was admitted to the hospital.

An accident occurred in the village of Pechenegi, Kharkiv region. A girl driving a Volkswagen at a speed flew into a gas station. Telegram-channel informs about it. Automobile Kharkov.

It is noted that the accident happened on the evening of August 15.

“At the time of the accident, the driver of another car and a tanker were standing at the gas station, they managed to jump back at the last moment,” the message says.

The passenger of the car was injured in the accident. He was admitted to the hospital.

The girl at the wheel of the car rushed into the gas station at speed. Photo: t.me/ctokharkov

As it was reported earlier, on the highway M-14 Odessa-Melitopol-Novoazovsk opposite the gas station in the Nikolaev area, there was a traffic accident involving two trucks. As a result of an accident a man died.

In Severodonetsk, a fire engine crashed into a pole and overturned

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