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In the investigation of the murder in Berlin appears another Russian

The investigation into the murder of a Georgian citizen Zelimkhan Khangoshvili in Berlin last year, which the Russian intelligence services suspected of organizing, involves another Russian citizen – except for the arrested Vadim Sokolov (Krasikov), whom the investigation considers to be the direct executor of the murder.

how writes the German magazine Spiegel, this is a certain Roman D. A few days before the murder, on August 3 last year, he drove into the Schengen area – from Belarus to Poland – by car.

Roman D. aroused the interest of investigators, since the data of his passport suspiciously resemble the data of Krasikov’s passport – to whom he was issued with someone else’s name shortly before entering the EU with the aim of killing Khangoshvili.

What exactly could be the role of the second Russian in the murder is not reported. A Bellingcat investigation is expected to be published on Monday with details. Belligcat is investigating a murder in Berlin with Der Spiegel and The Insider, a Russian site.

A week earlier, Germany’s federal prosecutor’s office indicted the assassination of Zelimkhan Khangoshvili, a former field commander who fought against Russian forces during the war in Chechnya. Message posted on the agency’s website. The text indicates that the suspect committed a crime on the order of Russian government bodies.

“The contracted murder was hostile to the victim’s relations with the Russian state, with the governments of the Chechen Republic and Ingushetia, as well as with the pro-Russian government of Georgia,” the document says. The text recalls that Khangoshvili fought against the federal forces on the side of the Chechen separatists, and in 2008 gathered a militia in Georgia for the war with the Russian army in South Ossetia.

  • Hangoshvili was shot August 15 last year. Immediately after the attempt, his alleged executor was arrested. His name is not disclosed by the German authorities. However, according to investigative journalists, the real name of the detainee is Vadim Krasikov. It is alleged that he had previously served in the FSB special forces and participated in several contract killings. Krasikov was wanted in Russia for some time, but later the search was canceled for unknown reasons. He entered Germany with false documents in the name of Vadim Sokolov.
  • The Russian authorities do not recognize involvement in the assassination attempt. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Zelimkhan Khangoshvili was one of the organizers of the bombings in the Moscow metro. He suggested that his death was the result of “gangster showdown. “He stated that the Russian authorities demanded the extradition of Khangoshvili. The German authorities deny.

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