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In the “horror” of the vaccine logistician of Marseille – Liberation

It is 8:45 am and Pierre Bertault-Peres is already coming out of a crisis meeting. Bad news: the vaccine delivery scheduled for Tuesday morning will ultimately be two days late. “It is the international catastrophe”, smiles under his mask the person in charge of the pharmacy of the Public Assistance of the hospitals of Marseilles (AP-HM). The «Cata», or the“horror” as he often repeats, it’s been a bit of his usual since, on January 5, his service took over the vast task of receiving and then distributing the precious vials of anti-Covid vaccines in the Bouches-du-Rhône.

Each week, nearly 20,000 doses pass through the central pharmacy of the AP-HM, mandated by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) to then redistribute them to public or similar structures in the territory. “I spread the shortage”, quips the pharmacist, who has run the service since 2013. We already have to deal with a tight market, where the offer does not even reach the ankle of the dema …

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