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In the future, companies should be able to communicate with authorities online

In the future, companies should be able to communicate with authorities online. That is the idea of ​​the digital entrepreneur account, which will be officially presented this Tuesday in the federal capital Berlin by the federal states of Bavaria and Bremen, as reported by the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. Bavaria’s Digital Minister Judith Gerlach said that both states were responsible for developing the uniform entrepreneur account for the federal and state governments.

Computer user, via dts news agency

The new system is intended to serve companies nationwide as a central entry point for communication with authorities. The federal states use Elster technology, which has been used in tax administration for decades. Companies and citizens now handle the majority of their contacts with the tax authorities via Elster. The technology is also used successfully outside of the tax, for example in the corona aid of the federal government. Now it is to be extended to all kinds of official contacts. Companies can then use their Elster certificates to log into online services, fill out and send applications in an authenticated manner and receive notifications of the associated administrative services via a central mailbox. This creates a high degree of flexibility for the company: You can apply for up to 200 different certificates and distribute them among the employees. Elster also enables the flexible connection of existing solutions in the federal, state and local governments. Existing infrastructures can be linked to the Elster identity in different ways and basically continue to be used. In addition, the account can be used not only by companies, but also by other organizations such as associations or even authorities themselves. Initially, pilot projects are running. Several dozen online services are available in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bremen, Bavaria and the federal government. The number is to be increased significantly by the end of the year. Baden-Württemberg and Saxony are to be connected next. The activation of the interface for Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Saxony-Anhalt is planned for autumn.

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