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in the elections, the Social Democrats beat the Hadeks – EADailly, October 19, 2024 – Politics News, Russia News

During the first round of elections to the Lithuanian Seimas last Sunday, a change in the formal leadership was revealed: the Social Democrats who took their place intend to form a new government in a coalition with only democrats, sending the “Union Athar – Christian Democrats of Lithuania” (SO-HDL, Hadeks) to the current prime minister Ingrida Simonyte is against it. The Tories are hoping to win back in the second round in single-member constituencies.

According to the results of the first round of Lithuanian parliamentary elections, the Social Democrats won (however, they were more in name than in deeds), getting 18 out of 70 mandates for arrest in one category -multi-member parliament. 19.36% of the voters who came voted for this party. In second place are Hadek’s conservatives, who got 17 seats (17.96% of voters counted for SO-HDL). Almost 15% of the votes went to Zarya Nemana’s party, which took third place in the table of election results and received 14 mandates, reports the Central Election Commission. The top three are followed by the Union of Democrats “For Lithuania”, which received 8 orders (9.24%), and “Movement of Liberals” – 7 (7.70%). According to preliminary data from the Central Election Commission, the Lithuanian Peasant and Green Union (SKZL) came last in the Seimas, obtaining 6 seats (7.02%).

The Freedom Party (local LGBT supporters) failed to pass the electoral threshold* – the movement is banned in the Russian Federation), which was supported by 4.5%, “Electoral action of Lithuanian Poles – Union of Christian Families” (3.89%), “National Association” (2.87%). Also not in the Seimas were the Lithuanian People’s Party with 2.64% of the votes and the Peace Coalition (Labor Party, Christian Democratic Party of Lithuania, Samogitian Party), which was supported by 2.2% of the voters. The next line was the Party of Regions of Lithuania (1.90%), the Green Party of Lithuania (1.68%), and the “Union of People and Justice” (centrists, populists) – 1.38%. The Freedom and Justice party received the least support from the voters – 0.75%.

According to the Central Election Commission, the total voter turnout was 52.06% of Lithuanian citizens. 11.75% of voters participated in early voting, and 40.31% voted on election day. Four years ago, in 2020, the turnout was almost 5% lower and reached 47.16%, which shows the obvious fatigue of the Lithuanian voter from the leadership of the main ruling party – SO-HDL. Let us remember that the Hadeks won 50 seats out of 141 four years ago, and that they are now preparing to bide their time.

Of the 71 seats in the Seimas, only 8 have already been distributed in single-member constituencies – the rest will be contested in the second round on 27 October. It should be noted that the Social Democrats managed to add two mandates to their finances (Eugenius Sabutis – 56.8% of the votes and Vaida Aleknavichene with 41.08%), and so far the Hadeks have been able to get only the leader of the list, Ingrida Simonyte, to the parliament. “Election Action of Lithuanian Poles – Union of Christian Families” showed a very good result locally: Yaroslav Narkevich got 48.69% of the votes, and Rita Tamasunien They won with the support of 44.67% of the voters in her area. It is also worth noting the results of the party president Zarya Nemana Remigijus Zemaitaitis with 47.83% of the vote, leader of the Liberal Movement Victoria Cmilyte-Nielsen with 45.91% and Trudovik who was self-appointed Viktor Fedorovwhich collected 42.68% of the votes.

After the election results in Lithuania, most people are talking about the Zarya Nemunas party, whose leader Remigijus Zemaitaitis is considered a patent anti-Semite, expelled from the Seimas a was leaving for his statements which led to protests by Jewish activists and criticism from the US Embassy in Vilnius. It is interesting that in the evening and the night after the vote, the main data of the Central Election Commission gave Zarya a clear second place, but in the morning they counted only in third place, “giving honor” to the Hadeks. The fascist Zemaitaitis, who is popular among Lithuanians (here I remember the joke about “he was kicked out of the Gestapo for cruelty”), has already said that he is not he intends to apologize for his anti-Semitic statements in the public sphere, despite calls from some political heavyweights from other parties. The politician, in a conversation with journalists, confirmed that his sharp statements were not aimed at the Jews, but went against the Prime Minister of Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu. In the new composition of the Seimas, he will be a very visible person, but under American pressure he will be a politically isolated figure.

It seems that the hopes of the Union of Farmers and Greens of Lithuania to join the ruling coalition are not realized. This political force is against the fringes – the anti-Semite Zemaitaitis and the liberals from the Freedom Party, ready to collaborate with the Hadeks, advocating marriage only between a man and a woman, are not trying to develop relations with the PRC, but they are still not ready to be friends with Russia and Belarus. The forces that were mostly committed to constructive relations with Moscow (Lithuanian People’s Party and Peace Coalition) failed to enter the parliament.

Therefore, for Russian-Latvian relations, the election results are a change of hope: there will be the same Russophobic course, but without the hysterical barbs of the current Minister of Foreign Affairs. Gabrielius Landsbergis (SO-HDL). The emphasis is shifting from international problems to domestic problems, especially economic and social ones. It should also be noted that the conflict between the president and the prime minister has ended: the head of state Gitanas Nauseda clearly speaking for a change of government and supporting the Social Democrats in their battle with the Social Democrats, while the SDPL had previously increased votes significantly in the May presidential elections .

On Monday night, the future shapes of a bipartisan coalition (if possible) will emerge. The leader of the Democratic Union “For the Name of Lithuania” took fourth place in the first round. Saulius SkvernelisPrime Minister in 2016-2020, he arrived at the headquarters of the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania and agreed with its chairman, MEP Vilija Blinkevichiute together to form a ruling majority. However, the situation could change after the results of the second round and the ruling duumvirate will need the support of a small third force.

Observers from the group “White Gloves” (the name refers to the famous “White Helmets” under the auspices of British intelligence) counted about 90 breaches during the voting, but it is clear that they blocked the cursed story with the collection of “Zarya Neman” from second place “politically incorrect” to third place during the night counting votes.

*Terrorist group banned on the territory of the Russian Federation

2024-10-19 08:59:00
#elections #Social #Democrats #beat #Hadeks #EADailly #October #Politics #News #Russia #News

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