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“In the clouds the vertices that form a tornado were seen”

During the morning of this Sunday, in the sky of San Vicente “Vertices that form within the storm clouds were seen and are the ones that develop a tornado, we had very unstable weather. It was a very strong storm, it was severe ”, described Marcelo Kusik from the Province’s Early Warning Directorate.

Between Saturday night and yesterday afternoon, the storm hit different towns in Misiones, including Apóstoles, Roca Grande, Andrade, Azara, San Pedro, El Soberbio, Montecarlo and San Vicente.

For the Early Warning specialist, “The storm that was registered was not caused by a cold front, but nuclei that are activated within a hot environment that causes it to detonate quickly and storms develop”.

Among other effects, the storm in San Vicente caused losses in at least a dozen greenhouses that were in full production in the area of ​​provincial route 13, as reported by the delegation of Family Agriculture in the Capital of Wood.

In addition, due to the fall of four utility poles at kilometer 35 of provincial route 13, San Vicente and El Soberbio will be without electricity until this Monday.

46 homes in Montecarlo

The storm broke out yesterday at 2:30 p.m. and as a result of strong gusts of winds, accompanied by copious rain, material damage was found in 46 homes in the Malvinas, Retiro Horizonte, Martín Fierro, Palomar, Guatambú, Paz, downtown neighborhoods, among others. In all cases, the roof blasting and falling trees on different arteries.

According to police sources, “it lasted just over 15 minutes and fell trees that affected some properties and the public highway. Also, the fall of power lines ”.

During the day, surveys were carried out by the Civil Defense of the municipality headed by Mayor Jorge Lovato. It was found that The most affected neighborhood was Malvinas, where some 35 homes were registered with roof blasting, partial or total loss of roofs.

In the Martín Fierro neighborhood, about four homes were affected. While in Guatambú there were three, in Palomar three and in Retiro one property, on Avenida El Libertador.

Until last night they continued with the tasks in the affected areas.

In Andrade
Minutes later, around 3:30 p.m., a heavy rain with intense winds was registered in Olegario Víctor Andrade. According to the Police, a house in the Las Misioneritas neighborhood had part of the roof blown up. As a result of what happened, a police commission went to the place and attended by the owner, a 74-year-old retiree. The woman told the uniformed men that it was only material damage. Immediately, the troops together with the municipality staff provided assistance to the victim.

In Apostles and Azara

The residents of the 25 de Marzo neighborhood defined Saturday’s storm as: “Some kind of tornado”. Roof blasting, falling trees and poles were recorded in the vicinity of the Estación neighborhood, about eight kilometers from the Apóstoles town center.

Solidarity did not wait, neighbors and the municipality assisted the victims.

San Martín avenue was partially cut by the fall of large trees and also, the power line was cut due to the poles collapsed by the force of the wind.

As a result, several residents were without electricity, mainly those in the Lomas del Mirador neighborhood, 25 de Marzo, Esperanza and its surroundings. Consequently, the supply of drinking water in various sectors of the city.

For its part, in Azara, and according to police sources, during yesterday’s session they had to assist a family consisting of a married couple and their three children in the 27 de Agosto neighborhood, on Ukraine and Mbororé streets. There the roof was blown up, which was repaired by municipal personnel.

Shortly afterwards, the commission had to go to the Virgen Morena neighborhood, owned by a 34-year-old man who lives with his wife and four children. It transpired that due to hail they resulted with various damages on the cardboard sheet ceiling. Until last night they were assisted with new plates supplied by the Municipality of Azara.

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