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In the Civic Square they sold the pictures on Facebook

Poza Rica, Ver.- The bad organization of Civil Protection (PC), under the command of Arturo Seguro, caused disgust among the victims, who learned from the media that support was being given to the affected people, in the well-known Civic Square, in the center of this city.

Although a multitude of people were registered, they were not taken into account for the delivery of support, due to the mishandling of these, which were delivered left and right, to whoever did not even need it, since a couple of hours later they began to give help, people without any kind of consideration, began to offer the sheets on social networks, support that had just been delivered to them on the spot, and that they asked to be picked up at the Plaza Cívica itself, so This type of people did their business, when the subsidies ran out in the place and they were told to leave since they were not going to deliver anything.

The lack of social workers was lacking in this, as well as in other parts of the city, since the people who were in charge of doing the census did it without having a clear notion of what they were doing, so a The number of victims was excluded from these aid, even when our president Andrés Manuel López Obrador commented in one of his conferences that the support would be delivered directly to the affected homes and not in specific places in the city, where Civil Protection does not even He had the grace to inform about these events.

As the support was not delivered in the disaster areas, there were those who took advantage of the situation to take advantage of their lack of consideration, of these ambitious opportunists, who left several people without help who did need it.

The prints that were sold on Facebook are a clear example of the disorganization on the part of Arturo Seguro, current director of Civil Protection, and who does not know how to perform his functions in the position that was granted to him, a few months ago, since the civilians who do need the protection and coverage of these programs were completely forgotten, unfortunately for those who really did require the support.

By: Marco Antonio Palmero Alpírez

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