Home » today » News » In the Českolipsko region, part of the carousel with two children and a man broke off

In the Českolipsko region, part of the carousel with two children and a man broke off

Updates: 27.06.2020 16:36

Horní Police (Českolipsko) – A part of the carousel with swans crashed in Českolipsko, it fell with a twenty-nine-year-old man and two children aged nine and 17. The police are investigating the causes of the fall, police spokeswoman Ivana Baláková told ČTK today. The man suffered moderate injuries, the children are fine. The spokesman of the regional rescue service Michael Georgiev informed ČTK about this.

The adult was transported by helicopter to the trauma center of the Liberec hospital, Georgiev specified.

“At half past one in the afternoon, the emergency medical service’s operations center received information about the fall of a 29-year-old man from a fairground attraction,” Baláková said, adding that it was a carousel with swans and other imitations of animals. According to her, the man and the two boys rose to a height of about two meters, then the shoulder carrying the seat was torn off and the seat fell to the ground with them.

The police investigation is likely to take several weeks. “We provide the necessary traces and documents that will clarify the cause of the event, and when we perform all the necessary criminal proceedings, we will determine the legal qualification,” Baláková said, adding that the police will request an expert opinion on the technical condition of the machine. “It takes us weeks to deliver expert opinions,” Baláková added.

The pilgrimage in Horní Police, where the event took place, continues its program. Baláková stated that the operators will not only use the damaged attraction.

misfortune injury Upper Police

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