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in the case of broccoli {Brassica oleracea var. italic)


The study was carried out at the experimental station of the UVG Altiplano campus located in Sololá at 2334 masl. The objectives were to evaluate the response of broccoli to the application of phosphorus (P), with and without the application of potassium (K), as well as to compare the effect of chemical and organic fertilization in relation to the behavior of P in the soil and the plant. A split-plot arrangement with random block distribution was used. The large plot was the application of K and the sub-plot was the application levels of P (0P, 1 P, 1.SP and 2P). The base fertilization used was 221, 128, 143 kg/ha of N – P2Os – K2O, respectively. Additionally, other treatments were added to compare chemical with organic fertilization. The amount of dehydrated chicken manure used was 7,367 kg/ha, and the amount of compost made from by-products of the sugarcane industry was 17,000 kg/ha. The broccoli variety ‘Inspiration’ was planted in a soil of the Inceptisol order (Andic Humusstepts) with andic properties. The response variables included dry matter (DM) production, P accumulation by the plant, P recovery and P distribution in the soil profile. The results obtained clearly indicate the high response of broccoli to the application of P. No difference was found between applying and not applying K. The recovery (P in DM + P extractable from the soil) and mobility of the applied P was low regardless of the type of fertilizer applied. The majority of the applied P could not be extracted and is therefore considered fixed by the soil. The results of the study highlight the importance of P in agriculture, as well as the need to properly guide producers in order to properly manage soil resources and fertilizers (organic and inorganic). It is necessary to make efficient use of nutrients, particularly N and P, in agricultural activity in the Sololá region.


Journal of the University of the Valley of Guatemala. Research Article. Center for Agricultural and Forestry Studies (CEAF), Research Institute. Altiplano Campus, El Tablón Village, Sololá. University of the Valley of Guatemala. (51-58p.)

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