From Monday, October 26, the Latvian Fund for Nature (LDF) will launch the campaign “Greetings from Climate Change!”, Which will encourage young people to talk more actively about climate change, reports TV3 News.
During the campaign, LDF will show how much extreme natural disasters can cause damage to the most popular objects in Riga and Latvia – the campaign offers apocalyptic scenes – broken Vanšu bridge cable cars, desert-sanded Central Market and Hurricane Freedom Monument to make young people pay more attention to climate change.
Surveys show that 42% of Latvians see climate change as one of the most significant problems in the world. However, for most people, these problems still do not seem serious enough, as they are not as visible on a daily basis as elsewhere in the world.
However, the LDF indicates that changes in natural processes are a long-term process. The opinion that the Latvian environment is not affected by global warming is also misleading.