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In the Alytus district of Lithuania, 32 illegal migrants have fled the camp

Lithuania In Alytus district, 32 illegal migrants fled accommodation in a former school on Friday, the Interior Ministry said on Friday.

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Two of them were found and returned. The search for the rest continues, involving a border guard helicopter and 12 police crews.

According to Kristīna Janulevičūte, a spokeswoman for the Alytus County Police, the police were summoned to the migrants’ accommodation to ask for the transfer of the residents. Suspicions that some of the 170 migrants are missing have been confirmed.

The mayor of Alytus district Algirdas Vrubļauskas has told Lithuanian public television that according to the information at his disposal, the migrants have left the territory, shaking hands under the fence.

“This, of course, is worrying. Apparently, everyone had lost their alertness, they had been very calm lately and had not made any special claims – they seemed to have reconciled, but apparently they have developed such a plan, taken care of logistics, and now it is difficult to say where they are. If you go on foot, you will not go far, but if by some means of transport, then maybe already arrived in Poland or even Germany, “he said.

The Lithuanian Public Security Service is responsible for the protection of migrants’ accommodation, Janulevičūte has indicated.

As reported, the flow of illegal migrants across Lithuania and Belarus border has risen sharply recently. Since the beginning of this year, the total number of illegal immigrants apprehended has exceeded 4,000. Most illegal migrants want to enter Western European countries through Lithuania.

From August 3, following the order of the Minister of the Interior Agne Bilotaite, Lithuanian border guards force migrants arriving in Lithuania illegally from Belarus to return.

Lithuanian officials point out that the Belarussian regime is deliberately facilitating the flow of migrants across the border, as Lithuania supports the democratic opposition in Belarus and has given asylum to its leader Svyatlan Cihanouska.

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