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“In the 1980s, books were written that today would be unacceptable for being politically incorrect”

William Boyd looks back to 1968, the year Luther King was killed and so many social foundations cracked, to reflect on the secrets of human beings. «Trío» (Alfaguara) is a novel that addresses the meaning of life and how the social role influences intimacy. In the background, a question that Camus ventured: Is life worth living? I wanted to explore the hidden life. We all have one that only we know what it is. The essence of our nature is secret. In public life we ​​are acting and we behave in one way or another depending on who we are with. But within us there is a private essence. That is our true nature. In the book, there are three people who see how, throughout ’68, public life dominates them. It is an investigation of human psychology. As Chekhov says, the interesting life is the secret one.

– Why that year?

– In 1968, I was 16 years old. As in 2020, the world changed that year and became a spooky place. People panicked, least of all in Britain. Let’s think about Vietnam; in May, in France. The same happened in Italy and Germany. Martin Luther King was killed and the most important social upheavals in the United States took place. The USSR invaded Czechoslovakia. The planet became a tumultuous place, except in England, where we took drugs, went to parties … the crazy sixties.

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