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“In that state” SHOW The Intransigent

The special of “Intruders”, issued by America TV gave a lot to talk about. In the cycle led by Rodrigo Lussich Y Adrian Pallares there was talk about a strong controversy that started on Spanish television. Andres Calamaro went to one of the most watched programs in the European country, “The Hormiguero”, and there he acted in a way that many classified as dubious. For appearing “in that state”, the singer-songwriter was involved in a wave of criticism. Generated convulsion In the channel for what is happening with the artist.

As seen on the screen of America TV and as explained Lussich, the musician appeared “particularly rare” and became a “difficult note for the Spanish conductor.” After explaining what the situation was, the Uruguayan presenter showed on screen the reactions of the audience on the networks, in front of the broadcast of the cycle with Squid as the undisputed protagonist.

Before the words of the Spanish viewers, Adrián Pallares stopped in an important detail about the exposed sayings: “Beyond the joke, there are many prejudices and a lot of classical European racism. At the time, Lussich emphasized a user’s comment that says Andres Calamaro He had made a stopover in Colombia before passing through “El Hormiguero”.

The netizen wanted to say that he had gone to Colombia to get drugs before going to the studio. “As if it could only be achieved in South America,” Rodrigo launched. “Also, no one can confirm that Calamaro was drugged. Maybe it was weird, ”said Pallares. Different theories were considered in the panel. “Going to ‘El Hormiguero’ gives you a lot of nerves, because millions of people see you,” they exposed on the floor.

And they added: “Maybe they forced Calamaro to go, because he never goes to the programs. He does not like to go. “He has always spoken strangely,” they said. “Yes,” confirmed Adrián. “It is not the first time that we see him in a similar state giving an interview,” they expressed from the panel. “When you invite Calamaro two things can happen. Either you have a note or the worst note of your life. Either you break the rating and you have divine titles or you have a bad time ”, they reported in“ Intruders ”. What will be the truth about Andrés’ interview on Spanish television?

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