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“In terms of notoriety, it’s important …” After Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, the police are launching on TikTok

Ditching TikTok, it’s not that easy… – conceptual / Pixabay

  • The national police opened their account on TikTok this Thursday at noon.
  • The institution is investing more and more in social networks to try to keep in contact with young people.
  • “We want to show an engaging, adaptable image of the police,” said Sonia Fibleuil, spokesperson for the national police.

After Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat, the national police are launching on TikTok. From this Thursday, she will have an account on the social network, very popular with teenagers. One way, for an institution that is sometimes criticized, to keep in touch with young people and to try to convey a more positive image, explains to 20 Minutes his spokesperson, the divisional commissioner Sonia Fibleuil.

Why did the police decide to go for TikTok?

We want to get as close as possible to young people, to keep in touch with them. 41% of the 11 million TikTok users in France are between 16 and 24 years old. We will offer them alternative content to what they usually watch. These are messages of protection, prevention, but without moralizing effect, since we will keep the editorial line of TikTok: short videos, impactful and which visually allow us to understand our jobs, which we have done.

We are more used to seeing choreographies or tutorials on TikTok… What can the police offer on this network?

Short immersion videos, for example, to talk about our jobs, our daily lives, our outfits, police badges… We will have plenty to do! We will develop our creativity, with transitions. We will also offer young people the opportunity to create content with us, via a challenge called “Make your police”. It’s very “secure” content, which shows the police from another angle, in terms of image and notoriety, that’s important.

Who will manage the account?

We have a community manager who will specifically manage this account and who will edit videos, with colleagues in the field who will be willing to participate.

What are your goals with this TikTok account?

We do not have quantified targets. What we want above all is to promote a positive influence of the national police towards our young people. Afterwards, the more followers we have, the happier we will be! But we do not have a particular influencing strategy consisting of relying on specific accounts. We want to show an engaging, adaptable image of the font. Investing in a platform like TikTok will help us do this.



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