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In tears on Instagram, Jazz explains the seriousness of what his baby is suffering from …

Two days ago, Jazz and her husband Laurent posted a photo of their family to announce the birth of their second son. After Chelsea and Cayden, it was London Sky’s turn to see the light of day. The JLC Family was thrilled and we could read in the caption of their publication “LONDON SKY CORREIA. Born in Dubai 8/12/2021 at 9:02 AM. Welcome to our 2nd SON ”. Everything seemed to be going well until Jazz posted a disturbing story message. She wrote “We are going through very difficult times. That night, our baby’s health deteriorated. We are not in good shape but as soon as I have the courage, I will explain it to you ”. A few hours later, the mother, in tears, gave more details about her baby …

“I felt it was wrong”

Facing the camera and in tears, Laurent’s wife began. “Things have changed in the meantime. My son was born yesterday and immediately my baby was taken from me and I saw that there was something wrong. I was told he had trouble breathing, that he had fluid in his lungs. So they left with him in intensive care ”. At that time, the young mother had not yet met her son and she said that “Laurent said ‘But show him his baby’ because suddenly I had not seen him… At around 3 pm they told me. ‘brought back.

They told me ‘He seems to be stabilizing, it’s going to be fine’, so I was happy and we took the family photo that I shared with you ”. But Jazz was not reassured and she continued her explanation: “I told myself that there was something that was not normal, his heart was beating quickly, I felt that it was not right. So I called the doctors, they came and they checked my baby and they said ‘There is a problem’. I tell them ‘What’s the problem?’ And they said to me ‘We have to go for exams, there is a lack of oxygen’ ”.

“It’s terrible”

She added, “Suddenly, they did an MRI again and there they realized that he had even more fluid in his lungs than in the morning. On top of that, they also saw an air hole and an infection in both lungs ”. In tears, Jazz gave himself up on the situation, “We don’t have our baby with us (…) His whole little body is moving too fast and we don’t know… tomorrow, they do an MRI in the morning to see Where it is but he has a very big lung infection… we don’t know what it’s due to. They told me ‘In the best case there is at least 7 days’ and in the worst case I don’t know and I don’t want to think about it ”. Exhausted, she confided “It’s super hard, I haven’t slept for at least 30 hours and I can’t sleep because I’m afraid and I just want to touch her, have it with me and make it feel good when I have no idea what’s going on… ”

Jazz concluded “So there you go, it was to give you news because by giving you some I also give to all my friends to whom I do not answer because I do not want to enter the same discussion a million times ”. The reality TV star had a final request to those who watch her “If in your prayers you have a thought for my son …”. Cayden and Chelsea’s mom was finishing her distraught video… “It’s the worst 3 months in a very long time and I can’t take it anymore because it doesn’t stop…” she declared before admitting that “It is terrible feeling of feeling worthless and of not being able to do anything… helpless ”.

Kahina Boudjidj

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