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in Syria, a dad invents a game with his daughter during the bombings

Two months after resuming its offensive to retake the Idleb region of Syria, the Bashar Al-Assad regime is constantly bombarding this last great bastion of jihadists and rebels. While nearly a million people have fled the area according to the UN, some have remained there. Among them are children who, according toUnicef, suffer particularly from this war because they are exposed to serious trauma, pperiods of deep anxiety.

To protect his daughter, Abdullah Mohammad implemented a touching and surprising technique. Like Roberto Benigni in the film Life is Beautiful, he encourages his daughter to laugh to save her from the horror of war. “Is it a jet or a bomb?”, he asks her on a video filmed by him. “A bomb, answers Salwa, when it arrives, we will laugh about it “. And a few seconds later, an explosion sounds and the little girl’s laugh is heard.

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