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In-store mail – Tempts package customers with prizes

After one of the busiest shopping weeks of the year and frequent Christmas gift shopping in store, almost parcel chaos is expected at the country’s post offices and mail in stores.

Both Norway Post and the retail chains have been out early with an encouragement to customers to pick up the packages as soon as possible, but in Denmark they are trying alternative methods to get customers to pick up the packages faster.

Deadlines with prizes

Danish BT writes about a clever invention from Shell’s gas stations.

Customers who are quick to pick up their packages can win one year of free petrol.

– Our stations are now reporting massive pressure with historically many packages. That is why we need help from the Danes, so we do not drown in packages towards Christmas, it is said in a press release from DCC Energi, which operates the Shell stations in Denmark.

– Our hope is that the opportunities to run on free fuel throughout 2021 can entice more people to pick up their packages as soon as they are informed that it is ready.

Bring’s Danish department also lures with prizes to fast package customers. Customers who pick up the package the same day it arrives, can walk away with a gift card of 1099 Danish kroner.

The mail

Kenneth Pettersen, press manager at Posten, tells Dinside that they are considering similar stunts in Norway, but that people are good at picking up their packages.

– It is the volume that is extraordinary.

He also comes with a quick situation report on standing in Norway.

– There is a high level of activity and we work around the clock to deliver packages all over the country. Last week we passed two million packages and there are a lot of packages that will also be out this week.

Posten Norge's press manager, Kenneth Pettersen, says that people are good at picking up their packages.  Photo: Posten

Posten Norge’s press manager, Kenneth Pettersen, says that people are good at picking up their packages. Photo: Posten
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At the same time, Pettersen encourages customers to pick up the packages as quickly as possible.

– It helps us all. Infection control measures have been introduced at delivery points and customers are good at following them. We encourage you to pick up the packages late in the evening or early in the morning, as there are at least people on the premises. We have added a new function in the Posten app, so that when you receive a pick-up message, you can also go in and check when there are few people in the store, he concludes.

Not in mail in store

The head of communications at Norgesgruppen, Kine Søyland, tells Dinside that she does not know that anyone has considered similar measures in Norwegian stores, but says that they have been early in planning the handling of large quantities of parcel mail in stores, so that it will go so well. painless and infection-friendly as possible.

– It is clear that the pre – Christmas period this year will be special in so many ways – also when it comes to handling Post in Store. Fortunately, all the package suppliers have been foresighted and early in planning for increased demand for packages in November with Black Friday and especially December and Christmas gifts. They have been in contact with the stores to look at possible solutions and needs. It could be looking at alternative delivery locations, more scanners, more shelf space et cetera.

– The challenge with space is always great at this time of year, and this year we have the corona situation which makes it extra challenging.

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