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In St. Petersburg, the star of the episodes of “Streets of Broken Lights”

In St. Petersburg, at the 82nd year of her life, actress Irina Zamotina died. Theatricals of the Northern capital know her for their vivid roles in the productions of the Lensovet Theater, and film fans Irina Zamotina is known for episodes in the series “Streets of Broken Lights” and “Secrets of the Investigation”.

About the death of Irina Zamotina reported at the Lensovet Theater, where the actress worked since 1963. During this time, Zamotina changed a lot of roles. The audience remembered her roles in the productions of Tanya, Generous Evening, Pygmalion, The Taming of the Shrew, People and Passions, Man from the Side, Doors Slam, Fifteen, If I Live Summer “,” Fro. “

Like many St. Petersburg actors, Irina Zamotina starred in the city’s iconic television series Streets of Broken Lights and Secrets of the Investigation. She played key witnesses, victims.

Viewers warmly received each episode with the participation of Irina Zamotina.

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