Home » today » News » In Sicily “Medicane” is unknown. Cocina: «Already off the coast. Let’s hope it doesn’t touch the mainland “

In Sicily “Medicane” is unknown. Cocina: «Already off the coast. Let’s hope it doesn’t touch the mainland “

“The whole of eastern Sicily, the provinces of Messina, Catania, Syracuse and Ragusa, are now on red alert for the whole day tomorrow. We await the arrival of a cyclonic vortex which is currently stationary off the coast of Sicily. It is assumed that it will arrive tonight on the island coasts but we do not know if it will be of heavy or slight interest “. He states it to AdnKronos the head of Civil Protection in Sicily, Eng. Salvatore Cocina on the bad weather emergency that has hit the city of Catania and its province in recent days and in anticipation of the hurricane “Medicane ” which should affect the Etna capital in the immediate hours and tomorrow.

In San Giovanni La Punta, in the Catania area, in the operational center of the regional civil protection a coordination meeting on what to do is in progress. “It is already raining in the province of Syracuse – he adds – and the winds have increased. We hope that the phenomenon remains on the low entity having the eye of the storm on the sea but it is not excluded it may affect the mainland in a violent way causing and risks for the people”. For Cocina, in fact, “the event could be less than that of the last few days but we still cannot say it. If it remained at sea it will certainly be of a lesser extent but with the complication of the winds that have already reached 80-100 km per hour and can create problems with the detachment of billboards or canopies “.

“The structures of Civil Protection – recalls the Head of the Sicilian Civil Protection – they are all alerted and there are five CCS at the prefectures where all the police forces, the bodies of the State, the Region, the Regional Civil Protection, the forestry and volunteer representatives, Anas, Railways and Provinces precisely to coordinate any interventions and ensure the functionality of the roads and essential services “. “Even the mayors – Cocina points out – are all on alert and have opened the COCs, the municipal operational centers that are ready for any emergencies”. “The roads are manned as much as possible – says Eng. Cocina – because the risk points are considerable. The local police, the traffic police and the traffic police are thus alerted”. “The danger in fact – he continues to AdnKronos – is that of the roads because flooding of the same rivers can occur as in flood, flooded underpasses”. “The appeal we make to citizens – highlights Cocina – is to avoid staying in the car except for reasons of absolute necessity, especially if there is rain, both to avoid exposing oneself to risks and not to hinder the forces responsible for any rescue “.

The Head of the Regional Civil Protection announces that “tomorrow morning we will make a new point on the weather situation at 9.30 at national level but, I repeat, it is the whole eastern part of Sicily that is affected”. “The disturbance – Cocina finally reiterates – is entering from the southern part of Sicily. Its strength and the damage it can create will depend on how much”will enter ” in the mainland. Should he stay out at sea, the danger will be less but it is right to stay alert and prepare for the worst “. It will certainly be a long night here at the Civil Protection Center of San Giovanni La Punta.

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Fabrizio Curcio intervenes on the weather phenomenon that is affecting eastern Sicily, head of the Department of Civil Protection: “The bad weather has not finished, it has had a moment of respite that is taking place in these hours, but we expect it to resume between tonight and tomorrow” and “the forecasts require us to be very cautious because, like the models, we will have to deal with extremely high wind speeds, the possibility of storm surges and heavy rainfall “which” hit an already fragile territory “and” the effects could become important “.

“Medicane? We tend to characterize extreme events a little. Net of the Mediterranean hurricane denomination it is an extreme event. Then, maybe, as we hope, it won’t hit Catania. These are events that affect areas that were not usual in our European continent, are happening today. We are taking all necessary actions to minimize the damage. Seeing Via Etnea in Catania in that way affects all Italians, as it should be. The system – he underlines – had already started up last Sunday. But as far as intense events can be mitigated, the behavior of the individual citizen also makes a difference ».


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