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In search of a miracle diet. Is it possible to lose weight by 20 kg per month? | Healthy life | Health

On TV, they showed a film about Nadezhda Babkina, who, after a diet, lost 22 kg. Nonna Grishaeva allegedly used the same diet, seemingly approved by the Institute of Nutrition, and was also pleased. AiF found out if there is such a miracle diet.

According to AiF at the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety (formerly the Institute of Nutrition RAMS), the clinic does not practice therapeutic fasting, which is cited by the authors of the film about thinner “stars”.

Is it possible, in principle, with a diet to quickly lose weight by 22 kg? Told about it Leading Researcher at the Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, Deputy Chief Freelance Dietitian, Ministry of Health of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Alla Pogozheva:

– To lose weight by 22 kg per month in practice is almost unrealistic. But, most importantly, such a sharp weight loss is not physiological. If you still need to do this (for example, for medical reasons), it is necessary to reduce body weight by 10-20 kg within 1-2 months under the supervision of dieticians in the clinic. Doing it yourself is very dangerous. Why? Weight is mainly reduced due to water, it leaves the body in the first place. Fat “melts” very gradually. A rapid loss of fluid (dehydration) threatens with thrombosis, which can result in sudden death. Especially if there are problems with the cardiovascular system.

At the FIC Clinic for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety, there is a low-calorie and salt-free diet, that is, foods containing salt are limited, and the addition of food during cooking is excluded. With a salt-free diet, fluid is also actively removed from the body. Usually, within 3-4 weeks, patients under the supervision of a doctor lose about 10% of their weight. For example, a patient weighing 100 kg will lose 10 kg during this time. But not at 22 kg.

The best results will be if, against the background of such a diet, a person is engaged in physical activity. The fact is that with all low-calorie diets, not only fat is lost, but also lean muscle mass. And this is extremely undesirable, because the metabolism slows down and the body “gives” less kilograms. In a severe case, dystrophy of various organs occurs, since they consist of muscles. And if a person loses weight, combining a diet with physical activity, then the weight is reduced even less, because the muscles weigh more than fat. That is, healthy weight loss is in no way associated with such figures. And most importantly, to prevent the loss of muscle mass.

What happens if a person dramatically loses 22 kg? So, water leaves the body. Most likely, muscle mass is lost, disturbances in electrolyte balance, potassium metabolism, etc. can develop.

To get a lasting effect without harm to health, you need to lose weight gradually. And do not apply diets below a thousand kilocalories per day. If a person immediately sits on a low-calorie diet, then the result will be obviously worse. For a very short time, the weight will decrease, but the process will stop very quickly. And soon the lost kilograms will return, if not more than that. Therefore, as a rule, the results of such express diets are short-lived.

American nutritionists and our Russian colleagues believe that healthy weight loss at home is a weight loss of 0.5-1 kg per week. First of all, confectionery, flour products, pastries and fats are limited: fatty meat and poultry, fatty dairy products. Simple sugars (regular sugar) are completely excluded. The use of salt is limited. Gentle cooking methods are used: frying of the product is excluded, because when frying, its calorie content is increased due to the added fat. Boil food even better, because at the same time the fat goes into the broth. And such “tricks” are used just in the clinic of medical nutrition.

The calorie content of the diet decreases gradually. It starts with a calorie content of 1700 kcal per day, then 1500 kcal, 1200 kcal and 1000 kcal. Then the body without breakdowns gives extra pounds. At first – due to water, then – adipose tissue. If after such a milestone – 1000 kcal per day – the weight stops decreasing, then contrasting fasting days are appointed 1-2 times a week, when the calorie intake is 600-800 kcal per day. This can give a small impetus, activate the weight loss process.

What are the consequences of long breaks in food intake and starvation? Such breaks are undesirable for patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, etc. Food should be frequent and fractional. At night it is recommended to eat something non-nutritious. Another extreme is also harmful when a person constantly eats chaotically for 5-8 hours, as they say, “chews”. There should be reasonable breaks in food intake so that insulin resistance does not develop and then diabetes mellitus.

Some are trying to lose weight on fruits. This is also not entirely correct. There are fruits with a high glycemic index, where there are a lot of sugars. These include, for example, melons, grapes, bananas. In apples, especially green, unsweetened pears and plums, there are less sugar berries. You can afford them, but preferably no more than two per day and in the morning. But you can eat vegetables as much as you want, if the condition of the stomach and intestines allows. There are practically no sugars in vegetables; their caloric content is about 10 times less than that of bread and pastries. Plus, they have fiber (this gives a feeling of fullness of the stomach), useful trace elements, vitamins.

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