Home » today » Technology » In Saint-Avé, excavations soon to begin on the site of the future sports complex – Saint-Avé

In Saint-Avé, excavations soon to begin on the site of the future sports complex – Saint-Avé

The construction of the sports complex on the site of Kerozer, in Saint-Avé, is slowed down due to the discovery of traces of civilization dating from the Final Bronze Age (from -1400 to -800 years BC). “We knew it, because this site was spotted by the regional archeology service of the Drac (regional directorate of cultural affairs), explains Anne Gallo, mayor. It is near the Roman road so it is likely to find traces of ancient life there. Also, as part of the procedure, we have asked the National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap) for a diagnosis in 2021”.

Start of work in the fall

The soundings carried out over approximately 10,000 m2, or 12% of the total area, confirmed the presence of traces of habitat. Additional excavations will be undertaken in the coming weeks, before the summer. “If they find particular pieces, they will take them out, date them. Otherwise, they will refill, continues the mayor. The important thing is to know, to know what happened here, to know what life was like at Saint-Avé several thousand years ago. It’s very positive! This could be a good subject for the schools of the commune”.

“The Drac had been reassuring, underlines Sébastien Le Brun, sports assistant. This does not jeopardize the project! “. “Our goal is to start work on this complex in October or November,” hopes Anne Gallo.

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