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In Saint-André-de-Cubzac, high school students fight, in video, against school bullying

By Philippe Charbonneau

Since the beginning of the year, at the Philippe-Cousteau high school, about fifteen first and final year students from the general high school and the professional high school, have mobilized by making a video to say “no to harassment”. The project is initiated by the young Mélissande Droneau: “Having been harassed myself, I had this idea for a long time, I spoke about it to the school life council and my text was ready before making this video ».

Helped by Warren, a high school education assistant, who guided them, the students shot their video over a day using the mobile phone of one of them, Andréas Bernède in final MEI. “Before making the video, specify Mélissande and Andréas, we talked to each other and we realized that practically all of us had been more or less harassed during our schooling. “

Harassment in fact increases from primary school to continue in middle school and high school and the students themselves want to fight against this scourge which sometimes takes on dramatic proportions. The video, posted on the establishment’s Instagram account, quickly bore fruit. “Quickly,” explains Andréas, “several students came to see us to talk about their bullying problems, problems that everyone was unaware of. “

The only establishment

This video film won the academic prize of the Non au harassment 2021 competition. It is also part of the selection off of Festiprev, the La Rochelle International Prevention Film Festival and is selected at the national level. “We are the only establishment in Nouvelle Aquitaine to compete at the national level and we are awaiting the results. “

The high school students who carried out this project were rewarded by Lysiane Gervais, the principal of the establishment, and in particular Mélissande as well as Quentin who did a lot of editing. The final year students will leave the establishment but the succession is assured and several secondary school students and first year students are determined to continue this action against harassment.

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