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In Russia, the teacher went to a picket against the war in Donbass

In the city of Pskov in Russia, teacher Irina Milyutina came out to the square in the center of the city with a poster “No war, Russia and Ukraine are not enemies.”

It is reported by “Server.Realities”. She stated that she went to the picket because considers the actions of the Russian authorities in relation to the fraternal people inadmissible.

“Many are now asking whether there will be a war. But it already exists. Everyone is accustomed to it and ignores its presence. More and more troops are gathering at the borders, many people involved in the conflict in Donbass are dying, and a huge number of residents of Russia prefer not to notice what is happening and remain silent. The bastard, limping foreign policy of Russia will lead to problems both within the country itselfand in relationships with others. This should not be allowed. This cannot be supported or encouraged. The saber rattling has only disastrous consequences. I am sure that the president must immediately end this shame, “said Milyutina.

It is reported that one of the passers-by applauded the activist, and someone on the contrary said that Ukraine and Russia are enemies.

A teacher in Russia went to a picket.

As reported OBOZREVATELas the Vice Prime Minister for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine said Alexey Reznikoin, wThere will be no large-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine. There are minimal risks, but sending troops to the Ukrainian border is just a show of force with no intention of using it.

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